Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials: The Official Graphic No… (2024)


459 reviews70 followers

August 29, 2015

In the vein of other reviewers, I'm going to recommend you read that freaking introduction.
If the adaptation of The Maze Runner pissed you off, or The Scorch Trials already looks like it'll piss you off, read James Dashner's introduction to this comic book.
Seriously, I wish people like Stephen King and Stan Lee would stand up against the angry nerds and represent themselves fairly and make the point that some things don't transition.
Hell, there's even a shout-out to fanfiction-writing trash like me!

This part of the intro really got me, and whatever reservations I had about seeing The Scorch Trials next month were way past the Gone after I read it.

Like me, I hope you'll set aside any concerns over the differences between these two versions of the same world. The characters you love are there, the spirit and the tone and world structure are there. The differences are subtle enough to keep you on your toes and allow you to experience the roller coaster as if it's the first time you had the guts to step up the Maze all over again. The books will always be there. Thomas, Alby, Teresa, Minho, Newt, Chuck, Gally- all of them live, and sometimes die, withint those pages. Nothing WILL ever change within those volumes. Keep them on your shelves and open them up when you want those familiar, original moments.

Seriously. Rage out on the guy after that.
Can't be done.
I loved The Maze Runner trilogy, even though I saw the Maze Runner movie before I read them. It's possible to love both, right?
So, much like when I reviewed Joe Hill's Terrifyingly Tragic Treasury Edition, I'm gonna break this down story-by-story.
Since I just preached for less angry nerding, I'm not gonna bash what I hated.
No, seriously. I'm not.

Let me start by saying this bridges absolutely zero gaps.
Between anything.
It's purely loose-end-tying-up.
Okay. I said it.

Run Alone.
For a character who played a main role in all three books, Minho got surprisingly little story in them. So when it turned out the first story was about him and Ben, I was actually really excited.
It's the shortest one in the book, but I will have to say it's my favorite.
Kinda puts Ben's attitude from The Maze Runner into perspective.

My Friend George.
Alby, yes!
Again, very little story on this dude.
He was the leader because he was strong and he was smart, right? But even people who are strong and smart make mistakes.
And we get to see Alby making a very human mistake, which, if you found him abrasive in the book, was nice, because it makes you really appreciate him for what he was; a flawed hero.

True Maze.
Aris, Harriet, Sonya, Ximina and Rachel, some Minho-look-alike, the Icers.
I really loved this one.
I mean, it was really just a re-telling of the first Maze Runner book with chicks instead of guys, except it was illustrated and it was condensed.
Nothing too special, really. What we call in the ficverse a gender-bend. Maybe this is why Dashner appreciates fanfiction, he wrote it for his own book with Group B in The Scorch Trials.

Oh, shuck me.
Okay, I advocated for kinder nerds. So I guess I can't flame this one (no matter how much I want to).
It's a backstory on Brenda (probably my favorite not-blonde not-British character, cough, cough) and Jorge.
See, the first thing I want to do bitch about what they got wrong.
Buuut I won't.
It's a good story, really, with an early introduction to The Right Arm, kind of a rough draft of what they were pre-dating The Death Cure.

World Gone Wicked.
Yes. Yes. Holy supervirus blues, Batman, yes!
This one made me so mad. And not angry nerd Spiderman-shot-webs-out-of-his-wrists-Toby-McGuire-you-slinthead mad.
Really mad, like when I read The Death Cure.
It's like a prequel to the terrifying story we get in that book, and it makes me as Big-Brother-paranoid as TDC did.
I can't really dissect it without spoiling some stuff for you, but, if you liked The Death Cure (we can protect you) you'll enjoy it a lot.

In that intro, Dashner said, and I quote, 'series of graphic novels'.
Another graphic set in this universe with this writer Jack Lanzig, yes please! I'll certainly be on the lookout for a second volume.

WICKED is good.

    comics-rot-your-brains sequels-that-were-worth-it

Zachary Love

29 reviews9 followers

July 17, 2015

First of all, if the introduction doesn't thrill you, you're not a true Maze Runner fan. James Dashner actually EXPLAINS why the books and movie(s) are different, making me proud to be a Dashner fan! Ever wonder about Ben before he got the stung and banished? Explained! Ever wonder about Aris in Group B before the scorch? Explained! And you even find out the origin to the disease turning people into cranks! With an open mind I found this graphic novel to be both brilliant and informing on a more in depth look at a already complex story with characters I love! I also really enjoyed how they took the focus AWAY from Thomas and Teresa. I love them, sure, but I was glad to see background given to other side/supporting characters. If you've (at least) read the first two books, this would be well worth the read. Very easy to get through and had a lot of fascinating content.


432 reviews118 followers

November 17, 2015

Coole graphic novel! Het geeft al veel meer antwoorden op WCKD, binnenkort recensie! :D

    graphic-novel have-this-book have-this-book-manga-and-more

Spens (Sphynx Reads)

617 reviews34 followers

September 29, 2024


I enjoyed this a lot more on second read! I think this graphic novel is required reading enhance one's enjoyment of the movies.


2022 Review: 3.5

The art style was okay and the story was alright. While it clarifies some things in terms of the direction the film adaptation decided to take, it just solidified why I disliked the changes the made.

    2022-reads 2024-reads dystopian

Mandy, Erste ihres Namens, Mutter der Kaninchen

488 reviews80 followers

March 14, 2020

Oh Wowowowow!! Was war das denn?! Ich liebe Graphic Novels (Sammlerherz!) und ich liebe Maze Runner. Grund genug für diesen Spontankauf. Ich hatte keine Erwartungen an die Novel und einfach Lust auf ein paar Geschichten aus dem Maze Runner Universum. Aber das hier war grandios und das liegt nicht am unglaublich guten Zeichenstil der Künstler. Ihr habt in dem Buch fünf Geschichten. In „World Gone Wicked“ erfahrt erfahrt ihr alles zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Virus, Wckd, wie der Rechte Arm entstand und Marias Geschichte. In „True Maze“ geht es dann um Aris‘ Geschichte, der ja bekanntlich nur mit Frauen im Labyrinth war. Was allerdings nie gesagt wurde: Sie waren in einem Eislabyrinth gefangen mit anderen Monstern als den Grievern. Was sie machen mussten, um es raus zu schaffen, erfahrt ihr hier. Dann gibts noch die Vorgeschichte zu Brenda und und und. Super spannend und richtig gut geschrieben. Wie der Name der Graphic Novel schon sagt, kann man die Geschichten als Ergänzung zum zweiten Teil „ der Brandwüste“ lesen, aber auch sonst lege ich sie jedem Maze Runner Fan ans Herz!


21 reviews1 follower

April 6, 2023

Aussi bien que le premier, parfois frustrant mais le déroulement final se passe trop vite ! Mais bien quand même.


86 reviews3 followers

February 6, 2020

Grade: A-

I never realized they made a Prequel Graphic Short Stories of Book-to-Film Adaptation.
This made me still Confused today because this focused on the Film instead of Book. It’s Complicated to this (My Head Hurt 🤕). I just wish James Dashner would’ve write a Short story collection of Maze Runner, that would be Amazing. Speaking of James Dashner, he wrote Introduction to this so that good enough for me And fans.

Run Alone-
This was good that shown of Minho shortly before the 1st Film. I got to say, I’m impressed that were written by Film Director Wes Ball And Co-Screenwriter T.S. Nowlin.

My Friend George-
Very Short Story But Really, Really Good that shown Ally make a human mistake and learn from Mistakes to a real lesson to learn a Rule of Survive from Reality of Nightmare. What reallly surprise was Crank Boy who tied up was George, Brenda’s Brother. This was very well done again by Wes Ball and T.S. Nowlin.

True Maze-
Ok, This is Much Like a Fanfiction of re-telling of The Maze Runner with all girls and One Boy. This is good story, but the error Are shade creatures instead of grievers and Sonya's Hair is blonde, not black. Would be awesome that author would’ve wrote like this, not just a sequel, but much like the universe of Maze Runner (Original, Not Movies)

This is good where Jorge met Brenda, and Introduction to The Right Arm,And this Story is OK but comic art are kind of Blurry and it’s almost burn my eyes.

World Gone WCKD-
Holy Shank! This is Great Prequel Story!
This Focus after the event of World’s Half-Destruction And begin a formed organization, WCKD and shown a Character in appearance including Ava Paige, Mary Cooper, and Janson. This is exactly what happened to the World before the Event of The Maze Runner. Got to Say I’m Impressed!

5 Prequel Stories Are Actually Well Done, to be Honest. That would be awesome to make Graphic Novel Adaptation of The Maze Runner, That would be easy way.

Like And Always, WCKD is Good.


842 reviews2 followers

September 7, 2015

Quality Rating: Four Stars
Enjoyment Rating: Four Stars

A really interesting collection of short stories in graphic novel form from before The Maze Runner starts. I think the marketing is a bit off since this isn't one prelude but five, and not what sounds like between the first and second book. But the various forms of illustration are very nice, and I enjoyed reading about some of the smaller characters in the series (the story following Group B and Aris' arrival was especially good). The stories are definitely from the darker days of the world, but overall a really interesting read. Most definitely finish the trilogy before you read this though or you will be completely spoiled for The Death Cure.


Julianna Wagar

986 reviews7 followers

August 20, 2015

This graphic novel answered a lot of my questions and was a fast easy read! I recommend all Gladers to read this book!


22 reviews

May 8, 2022

It was a scary adventuresome and thrilling



406 reviews41 followers

December 11, 2017

This was actually a really great addition to the movies and the books. This helped clear up some of the more confusing bits of the story and would definitely help people just watching the movies understand the stakes. I wasn't a huge fan of the art work, but I really loved each of these individual stories. This was surprisingly much darker than I thought it would be, even given the original material is dark.

    fantasy-sci-fi favorite-comics graphic-novels


60 reviews3 followers

January 14, 2021

This was a nice little add on to the maze runner series. I enjoyed being back in the world, but it wasn’t anything spectacular. I’m glad I read it and got a little more background info but the story does make for a much better novel. The art was very aesthetically pleasing though and I enjoyed the overall experience!

Jovany Ibarra

6 reviews1 follower

September 18, 2018

Really good book. There is some confusing parts, but either way it's still a great book. I loved it. One thing the book kind of slacked was more back story. I didn't really get what happened to the characters before the panels of them started. In my opinion, my favorite part was at the end. I recommend you read this book. Overall it was a good book. Also, when you finish the book, tell me what your favorite part was. Again mine was the end.


244 reviews23 followers

July 18, 2021

Encore une fois, c’est un franc succès. Les différences entre les livres et les films se font de plus en plus présentes mais cela donne une impression de redécouvrir l’histoire ! L’intrigue est toujours aussi incroyable, je ne m’en lasse pas !
C’est réellement un plaisir de lire la plume de James Dashner qui est fluide et addictive. Je recommande cette saga à quiconque ne l’ayant pas déjà lu !



5 reviews1 follower

January 29, 2022

Wow, this series is full of twists and turns. As soon as you peel away a layer, there's another, and another, andddd another. I'm intrigued as to how the third book will play out! I would recommend this series to anyone 13+! 😊👍

Sofia Stramacchia

14 reviews

April 29, 2024

lento. noioso.

Morgan Rosselli

2 reviews

September 6, 2024

Better than the first one in my opinion

Michelle Morrell

1,074 reviews107 followers

April 17, 2021

Five prequel stories to the world of Maze Runner.

    dystopian-fiction graphic-novels-trades library


66 reviews

January 23, 2022

déconcertant c’est le mot que je choisirai pour décrire ce livre. Je ne sais pas à qui ou à quoi me fier et c’est ce petit éclat de mystère qui fait que j’ai quand même bien apprécié. L’histoire est un peu plus lente que le premier tome mais on se doute que c’est pour avoir le maximum d’informations pour la suite.
Hâte de lire le prochain tome, en tout cas, merci monsieur dashner pour cet univers

Ju. Be.

70 reviews3 followers

May 23, 2018

Aus dem Labyrinth zu entkommen war nur der Anfang.

Die Welt glaubte, das Schlimmste überstanden zu haben, als die Sonneneruptionen die Planetenoberfläche trafen und Millionen von Menschen getötet wurden. Aber eine erneute Katastrophe in Form einer Krankheit suchte die verbliebenen Überlebenden heim. Der Virus, bekannt als "Der Brand", schien unaufhaltsam zu sein - bis endlich ein Heilmittel entdeckt wurde. Aber das hatte einen hohen Preis: Menschenleben. Und jetzt werden Thomas, Teresa, und die anderen Überlebenden des Labyrinths bald feststellen, dass sie in ein schreckliches Experiment verstrickt sind, als sie sich je hätten ausmalen können.

Direkt aus der Welt von MAZE RUNNER stammt diese Anthologie aus fünf Kurzgeschichten, welche die geheimen Hintergründe der Figuren aus dem neuen Film audecken. Verfolgt mit Schrecken, wie die furchteinflößende WCKD-Organisation ins Leben gerufen und das erste Labyrinth erbaut wird. Findet heraus, was es kostet, in der Post-Brand-Welt zu überleben und gegen die brutalen Cranks zu bestehen, die die Welt überrennen. Und entdeckt, dass die Lichtung vielleicht nicht das einzige Labyrinth von WCKD ist.

Aus der Feder bekannter Comic-Künstler wie Jackson Lanzing und Collin Kelly (Hacktivist), Marcus To (The Flash), Andrea Mutti (The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo), Tom Derenick (Injustice: Gods among us) - sowie zwei Kurzgeschichten, geschrieben von Regisseur Wes Ball und Drehbuchautor T. S. Nowlin - liefert dieser Comic das nächste Kapitel im MAZE RUNNER-Universum.

Schön gezeichneter Comic mit verschiedenen Settings und Charakteren aus der Maze-Runner-Welt. Für alle Fans der Reihe, die auch noch die letzten Geheimnisse entdecken wollen!


20 reviews1 follower

November 14, 2015

Not too satisfied with this book, and it's not bad. I would of gave this book a 3.5, but I guess I could add that .5 in.

Let me warn you, this is not just a graphic novel that is either a lone book or is starting a series. Instead, it's based off of a movie series and a book series, except for that this is in comic version. It doesn't tell the whole story of the book series in comics, but it gives you some little clips that show what was not included in the books or movies. Some examples include, how the first maze for the girls was designed. who put the virus into this scorched world, and how Brenda met Jorge. If you have not read the books or seen the movies, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT READ THE GRAPHIC NOVEL! You could read the prologue, but overall, you will be confused.

Some of my favorite comic clips are Minho's daily journal and life as a runner, and as well as what Mary Cooper's story. The artwork on both of them were absolutely amazing! But them best of them all, is probably Alby's story. It was short-indeed it was, but it was powerful in feeling and what he truly felt when he was alone. This story explained his feelings so well for some reason to me I felt like I could believe him when he said he would do better. Again, the artwork is GORGEOUS!

Overall, this book is pretty entertaining. It shouldn't be called a prelude, just saying. Kudos to the illustrators, they did awesome! Get this book, if you can understand the backbone story of it. It would probably be worthwhile to read for a lot of people, but it is a bit pricey.


241 reviews

August 5, 2015

Maze Runner is Bae and this was just perfection. I loved this graphic novel! The art is gorgeous and i love the 5 short stories inside. Not even lying but i got the feels. The first short story was out of Minho's journal; about Ben becoming a runner. I was surprised about a few stuff about Ben, sad. Second was Alby. Omg i had the feels. Alby talking about his experience being the first one to the second guy, who was sadly in a bad situation. Poor Alby. Third was Aris in the Girls Maze, which i loved! So interesting to see the second maze and the girls were so badass! Forth was about Brenda and how she met Jorge. Once again i loved seeing the characters past. And finally; Five: The situation with the world falling apart along with the business of the Flare. SO interesting especially with so many questions about this world and how it all happened. I also loved seeing peeks of other characters pasts. I'm a Maze Runner fan (love the books and films) and i loved this graphic novel. I deffo recommend. I gave this 5 stars, its a new favorite which will have a special place on my bookshelves.



65 reviews18 followers

January 31, 2021

This short review is written in Bahasa Indonesia, although I read it in English.

Peringatan isi cerita: menyinggung pandemi, kekerasan, senjata/benda tajam, darah, body horror, penculikan, kematian, pembiusan.

Novel grafis ini berbeda dari seri Maze Runner lainnya, karena dibuat sebagai pelengkap film adaptasi. Sebagaimana kata pengantar dari James Dashner, sebaiknya kita mengesampingkan perbedaan antara buku dan film adaptasinya. Sehingga walaupun tidak ditulis langsung oleh penulis seri aslinya, aku dapat menikmati novel ini seperti buku dan film adaptasinya. Hal yang aku sukai dari buku ini adalah ceritanya. Novel grafis ini terdiri dari beberapa cerita singkat, seperti: .

Secara keseluruhan aku akan merekomendasikan untuk dibaca. Buku ini dapat dijadikan pelengkap cerita dari film dan dapat dibaca walaupun sudah menonton film kedua.

    2021-reads fiction illustrated


110 reviews23 followers

March 4, 2016

This isn't really a prelude to Scorch Trails like the title states. It is more like deleted scenes from the whole Maze Runner series. There are five parts to the graphic novel focusing on different characters: Minho, Alby, Aris, Brenda, and Mary Cooper/the formation of WCKD. I loved Alby's section! It was powerful and beautifully done. We get to see why he is a such a strong and strict leader and, I think we all agree that he is a character that deserved more page time. The art was great as well. Especially during Alby's scenes. If you enjoyed the Maze Runner series then this graphic novel is worth checking out.

Rebecca Causey

34 reviews1 follower

October 23, 2015

This was really good and I loved it. My only thing is, is this canon from the movie? I'm assuming so. Most of it fits but there are some things that I don't think they thought about the timeline. Other than that, it was really good.

And seriously though, the girls had a harder time in their maze than ANYONE! I mean, ice skating and climbing?!? Along with flying monsters?!? And all the boys had to do was run from grievers hahah. The only think I don't understand is how Aris and Rachel got stuck with WICKED while Harriet and Sonya got out, considering this is going by the movie and what happened.

Nataly Ruelas

14 reviews2 followers

December 7, 2017

This book was mostly about the stories behind the new characters in the scorch trial. I personally like this book because it's a graphic novel.

Ryan (Empire of Books)

231 reviews11 followers

July 6, 2015

The arts good, and the stories okay but they're nothing too exciting and nothing all that new either really. Good job it was on offer, I wouldn't want to pay full price for it. Bit of a let down. If you want to read what happens before the trilogy just read The Kill Order. That's the best way to do it.

☽ ibtissam ☾

14 reviews

April 20, 2022

ce tome 2 ma fait passer par toute les émotions possibles, mais c'était vraiment génial.
cette fois-ci le livre et complètement different du film c'était plutôt bizarre au début mais oklm après.
sinon Thomas, Minho et Newt mes bébouuu❤️‍🔥
thomas et Newt je ship grave<33
Theresa je te hais de toute mon âme bitch 🤬


502 reviews10 followers

August 1, 2015

Not bad...this was sort of a prequel to the Maze Runner series, giving readers insight to plenty of never-before-seen sequences. I particularly liked the chapter where there was an alternate maze to the one we've always known -- an all-girl version with a boy appearing from the hatch. Pretty cool.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials: The Official Graphic No… (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.