NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (2025)

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Joined: 21 Apr 2020

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Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:12 pm

LET'S GO. Better (6 years) late than never...

I'm no sub- or dub-only purist; it's just nice to see one of the best-ever anime romcoms getting some recognition. And I'm eager to see how well the English casting matches.

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Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:20 pm

Somehow I missed that Michelle Ruff was doing directing work now, but it makes me interested in checking this out

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Joined: 17 Jan 2022

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Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:35 pm

Literally the entire time I've been an anime fan I have been waiting for this! NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (11)

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Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 4:47 pm

We're so spoiled by simuldubs that it winds up feeling odd when an anime gets a dub years after the original broadcast.

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Silver Kirin
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Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:13 pm

So this dub is being produced by Aniplex themselves, not Crunchyroll? I hope that means a Latin American dub could be arriving soon, many in the region want this anime to get dubbed, but the only LA Spanish dubs produced by Aniplex were for Demon Slayer and The Elusive Samurai

FanGamer24 wrote:

We're so spoiled by simuldubs that it winds up feeling odd when an anime gets a dub years after the original broadcast.

A month ago Crunchyroll added a Neutral Spanish for Bocchi the Rock! almost two years after the show premiered and without any prior announcement, but it was well received (except for Kita's voice) so everyone's was happy. But if you think that a getting a anime dubbed after 6 years is a long time, here in Latin America we just received dubs for very old anime shows that didn't have one back in the day thanks to Anime Onegai, just this year they produced Spanish dubs for anime such as Sister Princess, School Days, Strawberry Panic!, Sugar Sugar Rune, Berserk '97, Monster, Great Teacher Onizuka, Ouran High School Host Club, and in previous years they dubbed other anime such as Seikon no Qwaser, Nyaruko-san, Katelyn Hitman Reborn!, SKET Dance, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Casshern Sins, among others.

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NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (22)

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Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 12:15 am

Haven't rewatched this one in a while, and the new dub will give me an excuse to prioritize it. Already seen episode 1, and the main choices seem solid; Erica Mendez making a good Mai was a given, Stephen Fu seems good enough as Sakuta, and Kayli Mills is well-cast as Kaede. Will reserve judgment on other major roles until the characters debut, but at this point I have little concern about it being a competent dub.

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NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (28)

Joined: 13 Apr 2014

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Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 12:25 am

Glad to see this series finally properly dubbed from the beginning! Must be surreal for the VA's to go from the later moves to dubbing the original TV anime though.

Stephen Fu sounds good as Sakuta but considering the Kaito Ishikawa connection I can't help but think that in a better world Billy Kametz would've been Sakuta.

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NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (35) Subscriber

NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (36)

Joined: 26 Mar 2006

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Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 7:42 am


A month ago Crunchyroll added a Neutral Spanish for Bocchi the Rock! almost two years after the show premiered and without any prior announcement, but it was well received (except for Kita's voice) so everyone's was happy.

Is Kita's Spanish voice bad or something? How is it compared to everyone else in that cast?


But if you think that a getting a anime dubbed after 6 years is a long time, here in Latin America we just received dubs for very old anime shows that didn't have one back in the day thanks to Anime Onegai, just this year they produced Spanish dubs for anime such as Sister Princess, School Days, Strawberry Panic!, Sugar Sugar Rune, Berserk '97, Monster, Great Teacher Onizuka, Ouran High School Host Club, and in previous years they dubbed other anime such as Seikon no Qwaser, Nyaruko-san, Katelyn Hitman Reborn!, SKET Dance, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Casshern Sins, among others.

Are Anime Onegai's dubs for the anime they license any good?

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Silver Kirin
Joined: 09 Aug 2018

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Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 5:24 pm

FireChick wrote:

Is Kita's Spanish voice bad or something? How is it compared to everyone else in that cast?

I wouldn't say that Kita's voice in the dub is awful, it's just that it feels like the VA dubbing her, Ellie Rojo, is trying to hard to sound more high-pitched, but it doesn't sound convincing, she has voiced characters like Alphar in Canaan, Lal Mirch in Reborn!, and the Sword Maiden in Goblin Slayer. The rest of the cast sounds great, Hitori is voiced by María García, who has been working for quite a while, but this year she had a kind of a breakout for voicing characters like Koshitan in My Deer Friend Nokotan, Naomi Orthmann in Metallic Rouge and Hina Chono in Blue Box, María basically used a voiced similar to Koshitan when voicing Hitoru, but she did a great job. Nijika is voiced by Ale Pilar, who became popular for voicing Princess Peach in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, she also voiced characters like Chocolat in Sugar Sugar Rune, Hijouhi in Delicious in Dungeon and Remi Ayasaki in Horimiya, Ale as Nijika sounds cute. Ryo is voiced by Ximena de Anda, who actually doesn't have than many main roles in anime, she voiced Nozomi in Sonny Boy and young Suzi Q in Jojo's, but she did a good job as Ryo.
The thing about Bocchi's Spanish dubs is that it feels like an Anime Onegai dub, due to the person directing it and the cast, despite the fact that it was done in a different studio.
FireChick wrote:

Are Anime Onegai's dubs for the anime they license any good?

Well, I haven't watched all of the anime they have dubbed, but I have not complaints with the ones I did watch, like Squid Girl, Koharu Biyori, Full Moon, Skip Beat!, Itazura na Kiss, Tonna-Gura, Tokyo Maginute 8.0, Nokotan among others.
Now, Anime Onegai is based in Mexico City, but they have worked with actors from other regions, for example, last year they accquired the rights for the Edens Zero season 2, but the first one was dubbed in Chile, but they managed to keep almost all of the cast intact by working remotely. They also acquired the rights for the Arpeggio of Blue Steel movies and kept some of the cast of the series, which was dubbed in Argentina.
Onegai has also re-dubbed some series like Mononoke, Kids on the Slope, Princess Jellyfish and Robotics;Notes but with completely new voices, even if some of the original ones work for them. Also, Onegai recently re-dubbed Ghost Stories, which was originally dubbed in Argentina back in 2004, but thar was a straight dub, not like the infamous ADV English dub, but the thing is that the ADV has become well known here in Latin American, so the new dub, while not full of jokes like the ADV, has some ad-libs, pop culture references and similar jokes to the ADV dub, I recently watched it and I found the acting better than the original and some references where actually quite funny.

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NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (45)

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Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:11 pm

merr wrote:

Somehow I missed that Michelle Ruff was doing directing work now, but it makes me interested in checking this out

she isn't the only one! over at Crunchy... our fave tiny but stronk Voice Director: Jad Saxton has been working on Natsume's Book of Friends EDub as 'da boss' since Season 5. NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (48) i think Ms.Saxton's first stint as an ADR Director over at Crunchy was for 'Nichijou' back in 2011 or so. NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (49)

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NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (52)

Joined: 22 Oct 2018

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Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:19 pm

and i liked it! that dub was good! NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (55) plus, ANN missed a chance to help promote this...

Fort Worth, Texas USA December 8th at Anime Frontier.

folks will get a chance to sit down and watch the BunngirlSenpai Movie 1 'Dreaming Girl' English dub. NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (56) so i would guess Crunchy will be releasing that new version of the movie pretty soon after that viewing. NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (57)

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NEWS: Crunchyroll Reveals Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai English Dub Cast, Tuesday Debut - Forum (2025)
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