Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (2024)

Star Wars Bounty Hunter gets a remastered version twenty-two years after its release. Here’s everything you should know about it.

Originally released in 2002 for Gamecube, Star Wars Bounty Hunter was the first (and only) game to feature Jango Fett as the main character. Over twenty years later Aspyr has released a remastered version with a few improvements and additional features.

Here are my impressions after playing it for a couple dozen hours.
This article does not include any major spoilers related to the game’s story.

UI, Graphics improvement, and PC Performance

The UI is extremely simple, as you’d expect for a game of this type and age. On the left side of the screen, you get your HP bar which is filled with multiple bars. It will change colors going from green to yellow, to red depending on how low your health is.

On the right side, you can see the current selected weapon or tool whether it’s Jango’s Wayfinder, his double Westar-34 pistols, a cable, poison darts, grenades, or any weapon that you took from a fallen enemy.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (1)

The game will tell when a new action can be performed, which will appear at the center of the screen when said occasions occur.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter looks decent, keep in mind that it was released in 2002, and despite it being improved with visual enhancements, upgraded textures, and lighting that doesn’t mean that it’s going to look remotely closer to a game from this decade.

Aspyr also added Haptic Feedback features for any players who are using a PS5 DualSense controller.

It’s important to point out that I can play it without any issue on my 45″ Ultrawide monitor. I do not get the two black bars on the sides which is more of what can say about more recent games.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (2)

The performance was very good. My PC is fairly powerful but sometimes that doesn’t have anything to do with how well or bad a game runs.

The best example of this is the Battlefront Classic collection which was released not too long ago and thousands of people (including myself) had many troubles during the first days of its release. Personally, I didn’t have a single issue when playing the game.


Despite his almost legendary status as a bounty hunter, Jango Fett is still just a simple man making his way through the galaxy.

The game begins with Count Dooku and Darth Sidious talking about needing a host for the clones, as well as a powerful criminal group called the Bando Gora that could pose a threat to Sidious’ plans if they’re not dealt with.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (3)

Count Dooku is a very cautious and picky man, he only wants the best of the best and to do so he calls some of the top hunters in the galaxy but only one will get the job that pays five million credits.

The game is divided into chapters which are subsequently divided into levels, there are six chapters with three different levels each. There’s also a small cinematic at the beginning and end of each chapter.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (4)

As you progress, the story gets more interesting, missions are harder to complete and the stakes are obviously higher. If you have played the bounty hunter class in Star Wars The Old Republic then you get a good idea of how the story evolves.

You’ll get to see some familiar faces from Attack of the Clones, the Clone Wars and some new and interesting ones. The two main antagonists are by far the most interesting ones, it’s a shame that they only appear in this game.

The story is interesting but don’t expect it to be something deep and intricate like Jedi Survivor. Nonetheless, it’s still a fun and pleasing experience for anyone who is a fan of Boba Fett, Din Djarin, or bounty hunters in general.

Overall experience

For me, the most important thing about any game is the gameplay. It doesn’t matter if it’s visually stunning and the story is compelling, the gameplay is what defines whether I enjoy a game or not.

As soon as you enter a playable instance the game will show the controls and mechanics of the game. They’re fairly basic but it’s still useful to know, particularly if this is your first game playing the game.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (5)

With that said, I have to admit that the weakest aspect of this game is its gameplay. The combat gets tedious after the first three or four hours. While fighting Rodians, Gamorreans, Quarrens, and Nikto is fun by itself, that’s not enough to compensate for the lackluster combat mechanics.

Aiming feels very clunky, especially with a controller. Thankfully, the auto-lock option allows you to forget about having to worry about landing every single “shot manually”.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (6)

Getting too confident can result in dying at the hands of even the weakest enemies. This game can be quite punishing, which, for me is a good thing. I like it when every shot counts, it really makes it feel like you’re fighting for your life.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (7)

Sometimes, rockets went right through the target without exploding. This was frustrating because of how few you can use and losing one for free can make the difference when fighting one of the strongest enemies.

Speaking of which, the main boss fights are the instances where I had the most fun. Even though I only had to kite them it was a lot more fun than beating a bunch of NPCs. Kiting is a skill in itself, one that will come in extremely handy during the final level.

The last two bosses in particular can’t be defeated that easily with brute force so it would have been nice for the game to facilitate an interaction with an external element to make things more interesting.

The saving grace is definitely Jango’s jetpack. The mobility it provides really makes everything a lot more interesting and enjoyable. Not only in combat but also when exploring the different locations of the game.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (8)

Funnily enough, I died a lot more from taking a misstep than from fighting enemies. Which normally wouldn’t be an issue but since you have limited lives it can be frustrating. Once all lives have been depleted, you must restart the entire level.

Moving around feels very awkward and imprecise, at least when you are not using the jetpack. I understand that it’s a very old game, but in this instance, it feels like a game from N64 and not Gamecube. Actually, the entire game feels like something from the previous generation.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (9)

The overall gameplay feels very similar to the iconic Shadows of the Empire game. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but considering that Bounty Hunter was released six years after Shadows of the Empire it’s certainly not on the positive side.

The voice acting is superb, Temuera Morrison himself plays Jango while Corey Burton voices Count Dooku. Burton also voiced Dooku in the Clone Wars animated show and the more recent Tales of the Jedi miniseries.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (10)

Music plays a huge role in the immersion of any Star Wars game and this is no exception. The selection of music is great but my only complaint is that if you stay in an area for a prolonged period of time the music will start looping. Not an entire piece, just the same 5-10 seconds. It’s not a game-breaker by any means, but it can be annoying.

The levels have a good design. Everything looks according to the environment, from the buildings to the people wandering around. Considering the limitations of the time, they really did a good job at capturing the essence of all the different locations.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (11)

The game is mostly linear but there’s room for a little exploration which is rewarded by finding one of the game’s secrets.

Capturing bounties should be fun but it’s one of the most boring things of the game. It’s really disappointing that all you have to do is scan an enemy and then just kill it or shoot the cable. On the bright side, there are some cool things that you can unlock with the credits earned from said bounties.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (12)


The most important thing about this game that’s not gameplay-related is the fact that it includes the Jango Fett: Open Seasons comic miniseries. This is the story of how Jango became a Mandalorian and was eventually hired by Count Dooku. As you might imagine, it serves as a tie-in with this game.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (13)

To unlock the entirety of this comic you must earn credits by collecting the extra bounties inside your missions. It took me a few hours to realize the purpose of these bounties but as someone who loves diving into the lore, it’s definitely worth the extra grind.

Earning credits also unlock up to 110 concept art pictures. Certainly something good for fans who love to learn about the pre-production work involved in these types of games.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (14)

Finding the secrets unlocks the virtual cards of the TCG from Wizards of the Coast. Probably irrelevant after twenty-two years but it’s still cool to see them.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (15)

This remastered version also includes a Boba Fett skin that is unlocked as soon as you complete the game.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (16)

Should you buy it

This is never a yes or no question. As I’ve expressed in the previous segments, there are some very good things about the game and others that are all but good. Star Wars Bounty Hunter is a decent game aimed at fans of Jango Fett and bounty hunters.

To be perfectly honest, I enjoyed this game but after completing the main story and earning all the credits to read the comic it’s probably going to gather dust in my Steam library along with other dozen games. Maybe I’m being too harsh with the game but I guess that’s because there’s no nostalgia attached to it.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (17)

The story is great and even if the gameplay is lacking compared to other Star Wars’ Gamecube games like The Clone Wars or Rebel Strike, you are probably going to enjoy some aspects of it.

If like me, you didn’t get the chance to play it on the Gamecube then you should really consider giving it a try. It costs less than twenty dollars so it’s not going to hurt your wallet. If you are taking a break from SWTOR or waiting for Star Wars Outlaws to come out, this is a good way to spend that time.

This was one of the few games from that generation of consoles that I never got the chance to play as a kid so I was really happy to finally be able to experience it.

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Remastered Review: Is it worth playing in 2024? (2024)


How long does it take to beat bounty hunter? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story267h 23m
Main + Extras1311h 18m
Completionist512h 13m
All PlayStyles449h 5m

Is Cad Bane the best bounty hunter? ›

So, all of this means that in the number one spot, the galaxy's best bounty hunter, we have… Boba Fett Cad Bane takes the title of galaxy's best bounty hunter after Jango Fett's death, and holds it until he's killed.

How good of a bounty hunter was Jango Fett? ›

Over the course of many years, Fett rose to become known as the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Over many years prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Fett rose to the top of the bounty hunting trade, where he expertly used his advanced armor and twin blaster pistols to hunt down fugitives.

How many levels are there in Star Wars Bounty Hunter? ›

The game is played in third person and includes eighteen "levels" across six worlds.

What happens after level 30 bounty hunter? ›

And should you reach Bounty Hunter Rank 30, you'll continue to accumulate Bounty Hunter XP – which can be traded for RDO$ and Gold in the Awards Menu.

Can a bounty hunter defeat a Jedi? ›

Despite their political neutrality and independence, many bounty hunters were effective "Jedi killers," which made their services desirable to the Galactic Empire.

Is Boba Fett better than Cad Bane? ›

The canon version of Boba Fett is frequently shown to be conflicted over doing what's right and what's profitable before the events of The Book of Boba Fett, while Cad Bane is shown to be both a more callous killer and a faster draw with a blaster, making him the better bounty hunter.

Why is Cad Bane so good? ›

Cad Bane is depicted as a ruthless bounty hunter and mercenary from the planet Duro who is known for his trademark wide-brimmed hat. His fast draw, cunning wits and unscrupulous willingness to take any job for the right price earn him a reputation as one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy.

Who is the strongest bounty hunter in Star Wars? ›

Considered the greatest bounty hunter of his time before his death, Jango Fett is, in many ways, the ultimate soldier. It is from his DNA that the clone army of the Republic was made.

Is Jango or Boba Fett better? ›

Jango Fett is the best bounty hunter and mercenary in the galaxy. The Galactic Republic chose him as the genetic template for their clone army. Meanwhile, according to Jango's request, Boba Fett is the only clone without genetic modification in the entire army.

Who killed Boba Fett? ›

Although Fett seemingly met his demise in the Sarlacc pit on Tatooine after falling into the Great Pit of Carkoon, Boba survived the beast and lived to reclaim his armor, taking over the throne at Jabba's Palace.

Is Mando stronger than Jango Fett? ›

But the Mandalorian had everything he needed to take down The greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. Boomstick: Yeah, Neither guy was stronger, due to them being about the same strength. But durability went to Mando, due to one thing: Boba's armour was nearly invincible. Key word being "ALMOST".

Who killed Cad Bane? ›

In 9 ABY, Bane was working for the Pyke Syndicate on Tatooine, assisting the nefarious cartel in their expansion of the spice trade onto the planet. After a confrontation with his old apprentice, Boba Fett, he was defeated and stabbed through the chest in the streets of Mos Espa, killing him.

Who is the female bounty hunter in Star Wars? ›

A ruthless bounty hunter with a mysterious past, Aurra Sing was notable for her chalk-white skin and implanted biocomputer. Based on Nar Shaddaa, Sing became a mentor to Boba Fett, who wished to avenge his father's death on Geonosis.

What bounty hunter kills Jedi? ›

Bounty hunters were also sometimes employed as Jedi hunters, as the bounty hunter Cad Bane was known for killing Jedi during the Clone Wars.

How long does it take to get rid of a bounty in GTA? ›

To lose any bounty, the player has to stay alive outside of safehouses for 24 in-game hours (48 minutes in real-time). Entering a safehouse or a job or leaving the online session will pause the timer and it will resume when the player re-enters the outdoor world in free mode.

How long does it take a bounty hunter to find you? ›

Although the time frame varies from state to state and court to court, bail enforcement agents usually have 90 to 180 days at the most to bring back the fugitive. Locating a fugitive requires research, detection, and law enforcement skills.

How long is the wait time for legendary bounty? ›

However, keep in mind that there's a 48 minutes cooldown for Legendary Bounty missions. Therefore, it's a good idea to complete these missions full-time (30 minutes) for the maximum payout. Especially if it's a 5-star mission.

How much time does it take to learn bug bounty? ›

Here are our top picks
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Best Web Application Ethical Hacking Course for Beginners (The Cyber Mentor)5 hours
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Feb 28, 2024

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