The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama (2024)

Personals Edward Jacobs will not be responsible for any debts made by anyone other than myself as of April 9, 1983. Debra Cline Mayfield will not be responsible for any debts other than my own as of March 7th, 1983. Lady Love Skin Care Products with Aloe Vera and Vitamin oil. Call 820-4683 for more info, Mary Kay Cosmetics Call Geneva Leek, 236-4790. Mary Kay Cosmetics Call Ada Gann, 236-7214.

Will G. Orr Sr. will not be responsible for any debts made by anyone other than myself as of April 8, 1983. Will G. Orr, 258565084 280 Coffee St.

J'ville, Al Special Notices Friends of Ossie Rachel Bolton are invited to their 50th Wedding Anniversary on April 9, from 2 to 5 PM at Saks Church of God of Prophecy. Lost Lost: 1 pair of prescription eye glasses in green, black white case. Vicinity of Food World or Marvins parking areas. If found call, 820-2133. Reward.

Lost: Large male black with gray shaggy dog. Anniston Beach Rd. area. Friendly dog, answers to name Willy. Has red collar.

Reward offered. 435-7859 after noon. LOST OR WANT A PET? Contact Calhoun County Humane Society-236-1581 Found Found: Female co*cker Spaniel in Golden Springs area. Identify to claim. 362-0268 or 268-9882 after 5 PM.

FOUND: Pair of mens' bifocal glasses. May be claimed by calling 820-1934 SERVICES OFFERED Remodeling 101 Eugene L. Evans Mfg. Co. Save With US Beautiful aluminum and vinyl siding with year factory warranty.

20 colors to choose from: Plus aluminum awnings, carports, porch and patio covers, baked on enamel finish. Free Estimates, Easy Terms. Since 1950 413 So. Noble Anniston, Al. For Best Buy Ph.

237-5821 REEVES SIDING REMODELING SIDE WITH US Beautiful aluminum vinyl siding. 50 year guarantee, 10 colors. Complete home remodeling inside outside. Free est. Call Ken Reeves 820-3187 or 236-7242.

Pearson Construction REMODELING Sun decks, room additions, new structures, solar screen, roofing, fireplaces, carport enclosures. 820-2081 CALL BILL FORNEY Get my Est. before you deside on your home improvements. 237-2677 or 820-3921. Call us for estimates on all your remodeling needs.

No job too large or too small. Experienced builders. Anniston Homes Realty, 237-8544. CERAMIC TILE WORK Quarry, Ceramic wall, floor, counter top pool. Free estimates.

831-7300. FOR THE BEST IN HOME REPAIRS REMODELING. Call E.M. McCormick, 831-2130. Home remodeling, inside out, concrete work, roof work, no down terms.

Paul Edwards, 237-2677, or nickel, Cartee, 236-7277. HOUSE PAINTING Free Money ODD JOBS INC. 435-6688 HALL SONS Room additions, Carports, Viewing Decks, Kitchens Bathrooms Roofing. Call 820-5874, or 435-9607. SIMS REMODELING I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY 435-4475 Smith's Remodeling Add on rooms, carport, etc.

Free Estimates. Call: 236-1891 Cofield and Company Sunrooms by Sunsystem Additions, renovations, home Improvements and repair Free advice and est. financing avail. Chris Cofield, 831-4823 Thomason Remodeling Siding Co. Free Estimates Call 236-4292 Roofing 102 All types of roofing, tar gravel, shingles, gutters downspouts.

24 years experience. Free estimates. J.V. Smith, 236-1891 Brown Roofing Co Tar gravel, shingles, gutters, down spouts. yrs exp.

237-7529. Fencing 103 Chain Link Fences Henry B. Ginn 236-8352 Yard Work 104 Driveway repairs, seeded, endloader, grading, dirt, top soil, chirt limestone hauled. 237-2484. Good Rich Topsoil No rocks, no roots, yard work, hauling grade work.

Call after 5 p.m. 831-1936. Green's Tree Service Trimming, Topping or tree removal. Free estimates. 820-4830.

Hank's Lawn Service Rake clean off yards. Plant prune schrubs. Cut grass. Call 238-8426. Mike's Tree Service Licensed Insured.

Trim top removal. Stumps removed. Free estimates. 237-8430 or 820-4127. TREE CUTTING Sometimes we can remove from your yard FREE OF CHARGE.

Call 892-3732. Home Repairs 105 For Gutters, Awnings, Carports, Fences, siding, storm windows doors, sheet metal, heat cool. Call Roger Williamson, 237-2677-or 831-3268. Home repairs, kitchen cabinets, large or small. Free estimates.

Call Dan Bedford at 238-9568 for more info. HOUSE PAINTING All work guaranteed. Free estimates. 236-4249 PAINTING, interior exterior, wallpaper hanging, ceilings textured. Free estimates.

236-1032. ROOFING-SIDING Bathrooms, porches. Free Estimates. Save Money. ODD JOBS, INC.

435-6688 Steel, Vinyl or Aluminum Siding 50 year guarantee. All colors. Mickey Cartee, 236-7277 Moving MOVING? Call Robert F. King, 820-1340. Moving 106 DON'T MOVE! Until you call David Daniels, 435-9310.

Misc. Services 107 ADAMS ELECTRIC CALL 831-8469 All types of electrical work. Old, new homes and trailers. Free estimates. Call 820-1473.

Aluminum Carports And patio covers, any size available. Mobile homes underpinned. Prices can't be beat. Oxford, 835-0109. Anderson's Paint Decorating Interior exterior painting.

Free estimates. 20 years experience in professional painting. "Anything worth doing, is worth doing right." Call Eddie at 236-1059. Auto. Body Repair Painting.

Lowest prices in town. No job too big or too small. All work guaranteed. Call for estimate at 236-8491 or evenings, 236-8376. Backhoe work, filed dirt, top soil, septic tanks, field lines.

Call 236-0513. BUSHHOGGING 892-3881 Clean Image MOBILE WASH Where tough seemingly difficult tasks exist, we accept the challenge by using the most advanced cleaning methods available today. Professional pool cleaning, dumpster areas, store fronts, vinyl aluminum siding, removing any pollution, tree rust or mildew. SPECIAL ON ANY SIZE MOBILE HOME, $35. THROUGH APRIL 15th Phone 835-0788 Dozer Backhoe Contract or hourly.

Topsoil field dirt. Ph. 831-6136. Garden Plowing Free Estimates. Ph.

820-4830. Gardens Plowed Call 435-7816 GARDENS PLOWED Call 820-1958. Interior, Exterior painting. Free estimates. Call 238-1931 or 835-1721, John Stephens.

JE-EM AUTOMOTIVE Complete mechanical work only. No. muffler, trans, or body work. Work only on American, foreign, import, light or duty small trucks. Work guar.

"Treating you as you want to be Free est. 237-8051, 237-7728, 237-8272, 820-5473. JE-EM COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE, 3614 Old B'Ham Open POOL CLEANING SERVICE MODERN RN POOL'S Let us open your pool keep the water in proper cond. Free estimates. 492-1811.

Installation repairs. Repair all makes: Washers, dryers, freezers, elect. gas stoves. 237-6597, 7 AM til Repair Field Lines $1 sq.ft. Septic Tanks, $650 up.

238-1813. SMITH PLUMBING HEATING CO. Plumbing, Heating Gas Repairs. Drain Sewer Cleaning Service. Call 820-0155.

Storm Windows, Doors Aluminum Screens We repair build aluminum screens doors. Aluminum Products, 1015 Gurnee 237-1019. Wanted: Yards To Cut Call 820-1223 Will replace counter tops, do custom kitchen cabinets, woodwork in vans repair truck doors do church furniture. 238-0716 anytime. Child Care 108 Opening for 2 children, in Saks area.

Reasonable rates, $30 week. Meals snacks. 238-0438. Openings Care-X-Cel Pre School In Saks 1. Starting a new class April 1.

Register now, ages to 4 years. 2. Summer Fun. Register now, ages 6 years up. 820-2700.

Will babysit on weekends in the Saks area before school is out. After school is out, can work summer months full time. Responsible certificate. Please call Kim at 820-5795. Income Tax 109 Al-Fran Tax Service Weaver, 820-5498.

Albert Johnson. BONDS PITTS INCOME TAX SERVICE CECIL STEDHAM OPEN AT 8:00 1930 Moore 236-2797 Climes Tax Service Bynum, Alabama. Near Bynum Post Office. 236-8931 236-2690 16 YEARS EXPERIENCE "Reasonable Rates" FRANK W. REID Income Tax Service "Tax Returns Prepared While You Wait" Four courteous experienced preparers! Hwy 21 N.

Just past Lenlock Shopping Ctr Phone 820-4125. MOON TAX SERVICE Competent Experienced Staff 1911 Gurnee 237-4028 Ray's Income Tax Service 5:00 PM til 9:30 PM, Mon. thru 9:00 AM til 5:00 PM a Sat. Del Ray Subdivision, Oxford. 831-0323.

Priv. Instructions 111 Art Method Painting Tole Decorative painting. Morning, afternoon evening classes. Call Rita, 820-1665. MODELING Personal Development Make-up Classes Sheila Lindley's 831-4841 Piano Guitar lessons given by experienced English Music Teacher.

$5. per hr. Call 820-0703. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted 204 $20,000 Plus In commissions. Recent local military service required.

Write: MILITARY SERVICES Box 2356 Ft Benning Ga. 31905 Include phone number is waiting for you as an industrial Sales A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Representative with Lubrication Engineers, America's fastest growing industrial lubricant company. Your full-time etfort is required in an exclusive, fully-protected territory with hundreds of prospects for products that repeat year after year. You will represent a company on the move; the quality leader in the lubricant field for well over a quarter century. We offer excellent commissions and benefits.

Industrial sales experience or mechanical experience are helpful. We train you in lubricant salesmanship, lubricant products, and lubricant applications in a thoroughly professional, company-paid program. On the job training follows, right in your territory. To see if you qualify for a territory, send your resume or write to: Michael Alexander Sales Personnel Manager LUBRICATION ENGINEERS, INC. 3851 Airport Freeway Fort Worth, Texas 76111 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 9A The Anniston Help Wanted 204 Air Conditioning Mechanic Needs to have 3 years experience, needs to be experienced in Freon 12 and 22.

Also understand air wash type systems and furnish own tools. Please send resume to Box 2027, Anniston, Al. 36202. Equal Opportunity Employer. Baby sitter for 2 children.

My home or yours, Weaver Must furnish reference. Call 820-2246. Business Manager Non-profit organization needs experienced Business Manager. This individual will be responsible for day to day operations, all accounting functions (including tax returns grant applications). Must be capable of coordinating fund raising activities public relations.

Reply stating salary requirements: to A-1544 The Anniston Star. EMPTY DESK We have one desk available for a real estate salesperson of the right calibre. No experience necessary but helpful. Must be willing to work full time and take directions readily. We furnish professional training, sales aids, referrals and leads from 7,000 offices, and pleasant office facilities.

For appointment for interview call Ruby Rose at 820-5000, CENTURY 21, Gary Pugh Realty. and Cruise Ship Directors. Little or no experience necessary. For 312-888-4347, ext. C-1553.

Established insurance company taking applications for tocal route. Salary plus commission. Sales experience preferred. Apply at 17 E. J1th Street or call 237-6998.

Experienced insurance salesperson. Serious inquiries only. hospitalization. Universal life, medical supplement on part A B), cancer and indemnities, advance on annualized premium. Call 435-2672.

GOVERNMENT JOBS Various information on positions available through local government agencies. $15,000 to $50,000 potential. Call (refundable) 1- (619)569-8304 dept. AL102 for your 1983 directory. HELP WANTED FULL TIME or PART TIME.

Sell Business cards, book matches, Calendars and Advertising Specialties. Good Commissions. Send short Resume and phone number to: P.O. Box 547, Fulton, Miss. 38843.

HELP WANTED No experience necessary. Help needed for convenience store. Must be able to handle money, be friendly, neat in appearance have a good background. Room for salary advancement manager positions to qualified applicants. Apply at any Shell Discount Food Mart.

Our office is located Hwy. 21 So. in J'Ville, next to the Shell Station. Immediate openings for experienced line mechanic for new car dealership. Best paying benefits in surrounding area.

Apply in person to' David Stancil at Cooper Chevrolet at 1300 S. Quintard. terested In Making Money? For ComInterested In Part- Time Work? Inplete Details D.P. Foy, 831-1777, 6-9 PM. Need 10 representatives to work Weaver area selling Avon.

Call Mary, 435-3492. Need Extra Money? Sell Avon, set your own hours. Call 236-1549 or 354-5125. Need extra income with flexible hours? Like to meet interesting people? Unlimited earnings with a nationally known company. Call Mary Henson, 237-1146 or Edna Finch 835-1296.

OFF- SHORE OIL JOBS No experience necessary. U.S. and overseas. For Directory 1-312-888-4347, ext. E-1521.

Wanted: 1 part time youth director, Southern Baptist. Reply. To 3231 Oakland Ave. Anniston, Alabama 36201. Only people with a professional attitude need apply to this ad.

Hostesses Needed for a new lounge OPENING SOON! Apply in person between 3 5 PM to RAMADA INN Oxford, Al. No phone calls please! "Look what we are doing to Ramada" PERSON TO' MOW LAWN IN THE ROY WEBB COMMUNITY. CALL AF. TER 7 PM 447-8366. Real Estate Career! The exciting field of real estate is just phone call away.

Call George Fletcher at 237-2547 and find out how you can get started Estate Pre License School Terms. GARY PUGH 236-8284 or 237-3600 START NOW Local Amway distributor offers opportunity for good earnings. You pick the hours, we train. For interview call 237-5889. STITCHERY LOVERS- The Creative Circle is expanding needs domonstrators.

111 Lincolnshire Dr. Niceville, FI. 32578 or call Gail 1-904-678-9728, before 8:00 AM best. Star Saturday, April 9, 1983 Scoreboard Houston sporTView 7 p.m. NBA, Chicago vs.

Milwaukee, ESPN 9:30 p.m. NBA, Los Angeles vs. Phoenix, ESPN BASEBALL. 1:05 p.m. San Diego vs.

Atlanta, Channel 17 10 a.m. Southwest Championship Wrestling, USA 10 a.m. SportsForum, ESPN 10:30 a.m. Sports Weekend Review, CNN 10:30 a.m. Fishin' Hole, ESPN 11 a.m.

Outdoor Life, Channel 13 11 a.m. Best of SportsWoman (Repeat), ESPN 11:30 a.m. Greatest Sports Legends, USA 11:30 a.m. SportsCenter, ESPN 12 p.m. Fishing With Roland Martin, Channel 11 12 p.m.

Championship Fishing, Channels 42 and 32 12 p.m. Rollie Dotsch, Channel 6 12 p.m. Sports Sunday, Channels 40 and 5 12:30 p.m. USFL, Birmingham vs. Chicago, Channels 6, 2 and 32 12:30 p.m.

Sports Sunday (Joined in Progress), Channel 42 2 p.m. PGA Golf, Masters Tournament, Channels 40, 42 and 5 2:30 p.m. Bill Dance Outdoors, Channel 11 2:30 p.m. Top Rank Boxing, ESPN 3:30 p.m. Sports World, Channels 13 and 12 3:45 p.m.

Wide World Of Sports, Channels 6, 2 and 32 5 p.m. Bill Dance Outdoors, Channel 40 5:30 p.m. SportsForum, ESPN 6 p.m. Sports Sunday, CNN 6 p.m. SportsCenter, ESPN 6 p.m.

7 Sports Probe, USA 6:05 p.m. Wrestling, Channel 17 6:30 p.m. NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, USA 9:35 p.m. Sports Page, Channel 17 10 p.m. Sports Tonight, CNN TODAY 7:35 p.m.

NBA, Atlanta vs. Washington, Channel 17 12:30 p.m. Southern All-Star Shootout; Channel 42 7:05 a.m. Baseball Bunch, Channel: 17 12:30 p.m. St.

Louis vs. N.Y. Mets, Channel 9 1:05 p.m. San Diego vs. Atlanta, Channel 17 2:30 p.m.

Major League Baseball, Channels 11 and 13 2:30 p.m. Montreal vs. Los Angeles, Channel 12 4:05 p.m. This Week in Baseball, Channel 17 MISCELLANEOUS 6:30 a.m. Outdoors, ESPN 7 a.m.

SportsCenter, ESPN 8 a.m. Wrestling, Channel 46 8:30 a.m. This Is The USFL, Channel 21 9 a.m. Wrestling, Channel 21 10 a.m. Wrestling, Channel 9 10 a.m.

Sports Close-Up, CNN 10:30 a.m. Sports Week, CNN 11 a.m. PKA Full Contact Karate, ESPN 12 p.m. Outdoor Life, Channel 9 12 p.m. Sideline Sports, Channel 11 12:30 p.m.

Fishing With Roland Martin, Channel 6 p.m. Bill Dance Outdoors, Channel 6 1:30 p.m. Jimmy Houston Outdoors, Channel 32 2:30 p.m. PGA Golf, The Masters Tournament, Channels 40, 42 and 5 3 p.m. Sports Close-Up, CNN 3:30 p.m.

SportsBeat, Channel 2 4 p.m. Wide World of Sports, Channels 6, 2 and 32 4:35 p.m. Motorweek Illustrated, Channel 17 5 p.m. Fishing With Roland Martin, Channel 40 5:05 p.m. Wrestling, Channel 17 6 p.m.

Sports Saturday, CNN 6 p.m. Sports Probe, USA 6 p.m. SportsCenter, ESPN 6:30 p.m. Sports Look, USA 7 p.m. USFL Football, Tampa Bay vs.

Denver, ESPN 7 p.m. NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, USA 10 p.m. Sports, CNN 10 p.m. SportsCenter, ESPN 11 p.m. Wrestling, Channel 9 12 a.m.

Australian Rules Football, ESPN 12:30 a.m. Wrestling, Channel 6 SUNDAY 11:50 a.m. NBA Tonight, ESPN 12 p.m. NBA, Boston vs. Detroit, ESPN 6:50 p.m.

NBA Tonight, ESPN 7 p.m. NBA, Chicago vs. Milwaukee, ESPN CINCINNATI ab bi Redus If 4345 EMilner cf 4 0 0 0 Cncpen ss 4 0 2 1 Bench 3b 5 0 02 1 Krnchk 3b 0 0 JJones rf 3110 Driessn 1b 4 1 0 0 Oester 2b 3 0 0 0 A 45.369. Trout 1000 Trevino 2110 Paul Bullard "Talking Sports" p.m. Alabama's sports authority, Paul Bullard, talks sports every weekday evening at p.m.

Join him on WDNG your sports connection. AM 1450 CABLE FM 99.1 A CBS Radio Network Affiliate MONTREAL. bi LOS ANGEL eb bi Raines If SSax 2b 4020 Little ss 4100 Landrx cf 3111 Dawson cf 5 1 5 2 Roenick cf 1000 Oliver 1b 5001 Baker If 4110 Carter 4001 Guerrer 3b 4 1000 Wallach 3b 4 1 1 0 Brock lb 4110 Cromrti rf 3111' Marshal rf 3011 BSmith 1000 Russell ss 0 21 Flynn 2b 3000 Yeager 3000 Sandrsn 2000 Hooton 2000 Francon rf 2 1 1 0 APena 0000 Thoms ph Niednfr 0000 Totals 37 8 11 6 Totals 33 3 Montreal 200. 014 Los Angeles 110 100 000- Game-Winning RBI Cromartie. E- -SSax 2 Brock, Wallach.

DP-Montreal 2, Los Angeles 1. LOB -Montreal 6, Los Angeles 5. 2B-Brock, Dawson, Wallach. 38 -Dawson. HR-Landreaux (1).

SB- -Raines 2 (2), Cromartie (2). SF- Carter. IP RER BB SO Montreal Sandrsn 8 3 Las Angeles Hooton.L,0-1 UI APena -W Niednfr 2 0 0 Hooten pitched to two batters in the sixth. Help Wanted 204 Baschall National League EAST DIVISION Pet. Montreal 0 1.000 Pittsburgh 0 1.000 Louis York 0 1.000 Philadelphia .000 Chicago .000 WEST DIVISION Atlanta San San Los Houston Cincinnati Diego Angeles Francisco 0 833388 MILER Late game not included Friday's Games Montreal 8, Los Angeles 3 Cincinnati 7, Chicago 3 Atlanta 4 San Diego 02 St.

Louis at New York, rain Pittsburgh 5, Houston 3 Philadephia at San Francisco, (n) Saturday's Games St. Louis (Andujar 0-0) at New York (Torrez 0-0), 1:35 p.m. San Diego (Montefusco 0-0) at Atlanta (Niekro 0-0), 2:10 p.m. Chicago (Rainey 0-0) at Cincinnati (Pastore 0-0), 2:15 p.m. Montreal (Lea 0-0) at Los Angeles (Welch 0-0), 3:50 p.m.' Philadelphia (Ruthven 0-0) at San Francisco (Krukow 0-1), 4:05 p.m.

Pittsburgh (McWilliams 0-0) at Houston (Niekro 0-0), 8:35 Sunday's Games St. Louis at New York, 2, 1:05 p.m. San Diego at Atlanta, 2:10 p.m. Chicago at Cincinnati, 2:15 p.m. Pittsburgh at Houston, 2:35 p.m.

Montreal at Los Angeles, 4:05 p.m. Philadelphia at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m. American League EAST DIVISION PCt. GB Boston .667 Cleveland Baltimore Toronto Detroit .500 Milwaukee New York .333 WEST DIVISION Texas .750 California Seattle Kansas City Minnesota Oakland Chicago 250 2 Late games not included Friday's Games Chicago 6, Detroit 3 Boston 8, Texas 5 Milwaukee at Kansas City, snow Minnesota at Seattle, (n) California at Oakland, (n) Only games scheduled Saturday's Games New York (Alexander 0-0) at Toronto (Gott 0-0), 1:30 p.m. Chicago (Hoyt 0-1) at Detroit (Morris 1-0), 1:30 p.m.

Baltimore (Palmer 0-0) at Cleveland (Sutcliffe 0-0), 2:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Haas 0-0) at Kansas City (Gura 1-0), 3:50 p.m. California (Forsch 0-0) at Oakland (Keough 0-0), 3:50 p.m. Boston (Ojeda 0-0) at Texas (Smithson (0-0), 8:35 p.m. Minnesota (Oelkers 0-0) at Seattle (Nunez 0-0), 10:35 p.m.

Sunday's Games Chicago at Detroit, 1:30 p.m. New York at Toronto, 1:30 Baltimore at Cleveland, 2:05 p.m. Boston at Texas, 2:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Kansas City, 2:35 p.m. California at Oakland, 4:05 p.m.

Minnesota at Seattle, 4:35 p.m. NL boxes SAN DIEGO ATLANTA eb bi ab bi Richrds If 4210 Butter cf 5 0 2 2 Bonilla 2b 3010 RRmrz ss 5011 Garvey 1b 4 0 1 0 Wshgtn rf 4020 TKenndy 4021 Murphy If 4020 Lezcano rf 3001 Horner 3b 2000 RJones ct 4000 Chmbis 1b 2 1 1 Tmpitn ss 4010 Hubbrd 2b Salazar 3b 4030 Benedict Show 2000 Camp 1100 Lefebvr ph 1 0 0 0 Falcone 0000 Chiffer 0000 Mahler Lucas 0 Pocorb ph 1000 Turner ph 1000 Bedrosn Watson ph 0 Garber 0 Totals M292 Totals 33 4 11 4 Chambliss reached first on catcher interference in sixth; Chiffer pitched to three batters in the eighth. San Diego 000- Atlanta 000 020 00k- Game-Winning RBI Benedict (1). -Horner, TKennedy, Benedict. DPAtlanta 2.

LOB- -San Diego 8, Atlanta 10. 28- Washington, Benedict. SF -Lezcano. IP RER BB so San Diego Show Chiffer L01 Lucas Atlanta Camp 51-3 Falcone 0 Mahler Bedrosn 1-1 2-3 .000 Garber 2 HBP-Camp hit by Show. BK-Show.

T- 2:46. A Ruhle In 0 Solano DiPino DSmith 11-3 2-3 -NON A- 10,862. BOSTON TEXAS rh bi ab bi Boggs 3b 5035 Sample If 4000 Evans rf 5020 Richrt 2b 50201 Rice If 3001 BBell 3b 5000 Armas cf 5010 Hostelr dh 4210 Ystzmk dh 5010 LAPrsh rf 2100 Jurak pr 0100 OBrien 1b Stapion 1b 5 3 4 0 Sundbrg Gedman 4220 Wright ct 4032 Hoffmn ss 3122 Dent ss 3010 Valdez 2b 2000 Blitner ph 0 0000 00 0 0 0000 0 Miller ph 0 0 Tollson ss 0 Nichols ph 0 0100 Baret 2b 2000 Totals 39 0 15 1 Tetals 35 5 9 5 Boston 009 000- Texas 020 000 Game-Winning RBI Hoffman (1). DP -Boston 1, Texas 1. LOB- Boston 12, Texas 8.

2B-Boggs 2, Dent, Stapleton, Richardt, Evans, Sundberg. SB -Wright (1). S- Hoffman 2. ER BB SO Boston MCBrown Clear Aponte 1-0 12-3 1-3 0 ON Texas Butcher 5 1-3 Mason L0-1 3 OJones 2-3 HBP-Nichols by Mason. WPMCBrown.

CHICAGO DETROIT ab bi ab bi RLaw cf 5 220 Whitkr 2b 5000 Brnzrd 2b 4211 HJhnsn dh 2100 Baines rf 4023 Wcknts dh 2000 Luzinsk dh 0 KGibson rf 3111 Walker lb 3001 0 0 00 LNParsh 3011 Squires 1b 0000 Herndon If 4 Kittle If 4000 0 0 00 Lemon cf 3010 Dbzski ss 0 Leach 1b. 3000 Fisk 4220 Cabell lb 1000 VLaw 3b 3 00 Brkens 3b 4110 Fletchr- ss 2000 Trammi ss 3020 Hairston If 2000 Totals 35 6 0 Totals 33 37 3 Chicago 000 012 300- Detroit 003 000 000- Game-Winning RBI Bernazard (1). E- KGibson, Brookens. LOB -Chicago 7, Detroit 8. 2B-RLaw, Trammell.

38- Fisk, Baines, Brookens. IP RER BB SO Chicago Lamp Koosman 1-0 a Detroit Wilcox L0-1 6 2-3 8 6 Lopez 1 1-3 Bailey 0 0 HBP-Lemon by Lamp, Luzinski by Wilcox. A Basketball NBA standings AL boxes EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division Pct. GB 2-Philadelphia 63 14 .818 x-Boston 53 24 .688 10 x-New Jersey 47 30 .610 16 New York 40 37 .519 23 Washington 39 38 .506 24 Central Division -Milwaukee 48 29 .623 Atlanta 37 .526 Detroit 42 .462 Indiana 58 .247 29 Chicago 7888 50 .342 Cleveland 57 .260 28 WESTERN CONFERENCE Midwest y-San Antonio 28 .636 Denver 41 532 Kansas City 41 36 Dallas 36 42 Utah 28 21 Houston 14 63 .182 35 Pacific Division -Los Angeles 55 20 .733 x-Phoenix 29 .618 Seattle 31 .597 10 Portland 43 33 .566 Golden State .355 San Diego 25 .325 31 x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division title -clinched division and conference title Late games not included Friday's Games Washington 107, Boston 99 Philadelphia 126, Indiana 118, OT Atlanta 138, Chicago 101 Detroit 102, New Jersey 92 New York 102, San Antonio 100, OT Denver 132, Dallas 115 Kansas City 112, Utah 97 Golden State at Los Angeles, (n) Phoenix at Portland, (n) Saturday's Games Cleveland at New Jersey, 7:35 p.m. Atlanta at Washington, Milwaukee at Chicago, 8:35 p.m.

Denver at Houston, 8:35 p.m. Dallas at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Kansas City at Utah, 9:30 p.m. Masters' cards AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) First round scores Thursday in the 47th Masters tournament on the par 36-36-72 Augusta National Golf Club course (a-denotes amateur): Jack Renner 36-31-67 Ray Floyd 34-3367 Gil Morgan 34-33-67 a- James Hallet 36-32--68 Arnold Palmer 34-34-68 Seve Ballesteros 34-34 J.

C. Snead 35-33-68 Charles Coody 34-34-68 Craig Stadler 37-32-69 Bruce Lietzke 34-35-69 Scott Simpson 36-34-70 Payne Stewart 35-35-70 Nick Faldo 36-34-70 Isao Aoki 36-34-70 Fuzzy Zoeller 37-33-70 Keith Fergus 35-35-70 Tom Watson 35-35-70 Calvin Pete 35-35-70 Tom Kite 38-32-70 Danny Edwards 35-35-70 Bob Shearer 35-35-70 George Archer 36-35-71 Lee Trevino 36-35-71 David Graham 35-36-71 Greg Norman 36-35-71 Mark Hayes 36-35-71 Gary Hallberg 36-35-71 Chip Beck 37-34-71 a-Jay Sigel 39-33-72 John Mahaffey 39-33-72 Billy Casper 38-34-72 Hale Irwin 38-34-72 Yutaka Hagawa 38-34-72 Tommy Nakajima Andy North 36-36-72 Gay Brewer 36-36-72 Bob Gilder 35-37-72 Bill Rogers 37-35-72 Wayne Levi 35-37-72 Johnny Miller 35-37-72 Jodie Mudd 37-35-72 Bruce Devin 37-36-73 Lanny Wadkins 37-36-73 Peter Jacobsen 34-39-73 Mike Nicolette 37-36-73 Jay Haas 33-40-73 Hal Sutton 35-38-73 Peter Oosterhuis 38-35-73 Larry Nelson 36-37-73 Gary Player 36-37-73 Fred Couples 36-37-73 Jack Nicklaus 30-35-73 Art Wall 39-35-74 Hsieh Min Nan Dan Pohl 36-30-74 Ed Sneed 37-37 Bobby Clampert 36-38-74 Scott Hoch a-Richard Fehr 36-30-74 Jim Simons 36-30-74 a- Robert Lewis Sandy Lyle 37-37-74 Larry Rinker 37-38-75 Tom Weiskopf 36-39-75 Tim Norris 38-37-75 Bob Goalby 41-35-76 Andy Bean 38-30-76 Gary Koch 37-39-76 Tommy Aaron a -Martin Thompson Ben Crenshaw Curtis Strange 37-40-77 George Burns Lyn Lott 37-40-77 Truck Drivers Must have 2 full years over the road experience with an 1CC Carrier, have a good driving record, honest and dependable. Parris Trucking Company, Inc. 831-8450. M-F Only.

Wanted: Student representatives from area schools to hand out class ring brochures. Call Couch Jewelry, 237-4628 and ask PoOr Becky. Jobs Wanted 206 MATURE PERSON WOULD LIKE TO CUT GRASS CALL PIEDMONT, 447-9770 FINANCIAL Business Oppty. 301 Gas Station For Lease Doing Good Business Call. 238-8444 OUTSTANDING Considering an investment in a mobile home park? This one has a gross return of over annually and.

is priced under $80,000. Call Chip Street, 237-1523 or 236-6653 after 5 PM. John Street Realty Money To Loan 302 Confidential Loans, Men Women. $25 to $300. FAMILY LOAN INC.

No. 19 West 13th Street, 237-7527. WARD FINANCE Loans up to $2,500. 236-4454. PETS, LIVESTOCK Dogs 401 AKC Irish Setters 1 male and 2 females.

For more information Call 831-0986 AKC Reg co*cker Spaniel female pups, 6 weeks old, blond buff, wormed shots. $100 Call 237-7710 American Eskimo Spitz pups. UKC registered Snow white. Wormed shots. $75 each.

Call 237-7710. DOBERMAN FOR SALE Female, years. registered, of Canadian stock. Color: Blue-Blue Gray If interested call Edna at 236-7635. Doberman Puppies 820-4456 For Free To Good Home: Medium Sized Mixed Breed Puppies 236-6648 Free to good home, half German Shepherd half Collie.

3 yeras old. Call 892-3894. Pitt Bulldog Puppies FOR SALE Call 820-9423. Three 10 week old Pitt Bulldog Puppies, females. For more information call after 5, 831-8885.

Aquatic I Pets 403 THE FISH NET HWY. 431 SAKS ROAD THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Silver Hatchets for $1.00 Neons 3 for $1.00 Sword Tails 2 for $1.25 Open Daily, 10 AM to 5 PM Sunday, 2 to 5 PM Closed on Thursday Horses 404 LAKEVIEW FARMS Palominos Quarter Horses. Boarding facilities. Jacksonville, Al. 435-5853.

LAZY RIDING STABLE Horses, Saddles equipment plus 3 year lease an land. For information call 435-5526. Farm Livestock 405 FOR SALE: COWS, CALVES, AND HOLSTEIN HEIFERS. CALL 435-9762 AFTER 7 PM Trade: Baby grown goats, turkeys, lg. hens, rabbits, guineas, Pair of white Chinese Geese.

238-0954. Farm Products 406 Coastal Bermuda Bahia hay. Properly cured. $80 a ton or $1.50 to $2.00 a bale. At White Plains.

Ph. 237-0054. Seed corn, Mosby Prolific, Tennessee red cob others. 75 cents per pound. Call 820-3259.

Birds 407 Blue Bird Houses Feeders WESTERN CEDAR, $4 EA. 435-5805. Golf CHICAGO bi MHall If 4 0 Sndbrg 2b Bucknr 1b 4121 Durham cf 3000 Cey 3b 4011 Morelnd rt 3001 JDavis 4000 Bowa ss 3000 0 Lefferts 1000 Soto 410 0 Johnstn ph 1000 Campbel 0 Totals 32 3 7 3 Totals 33 7 10 7 Chicago 201 000 000- 3 Cincinnati 132 01x- Game-Winning RBI Redus (1). E- JDavis, Sandberg. DP -Cincinnati 1.

LOB -Chicago 4, Cincinnati 10. 2B- MHall, Buckner, Redus. HR- Redus (2). SB-Redus 2(3). S- EMilner, Soto, Oester.

SFMoreland. so Chicago Trout L0-1 2 2-3 0 Lefferts 3 1-3 -00 MO- 0 Campbell 2 Cincinnati Soto 7 3 3 10 HBP-Redus by Campbell. Trout. PITTSBURGH HOUSTON bi ab bi Lacy If 5230 Moreno ct 5 1 4 0 Mazzilli cf 4112 Doran 2b 3 0 1 1 Madick 3b 00 0 0 Thon ss 4 0 1 1 JThmsn 1b 1 0 Garner 3b 4010 Parker of 4120 Cruz If 3.1 1 0 BHarpr if 0100 Knight lb 0 0 JRay 26 4020 Puhi rf 0 2 1 TPena DSmith 0 0 Berra ss 3010 Ashby 10 Tunnell p- 000 Ruhle 10 0 0 Tekulve Bass ph 10 10 Easier ph 00 Solano 0 0 0 0 Sarmnto 0000 0 0 0000 Walling ph 1 0 0 0 Scurry 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 DiPino 0 0 Tenace ph 0 TScott If 1000 Bibby 0001 Totals 36 5 11 5 3 3 11 3 012- Houston 000 010- Garne-Winning RBI'- Mazzilli (2). E- Thon.

DP-Pittsburgh 2, Houston 1. LOB -Pittsburgh Houston 7. 2B-Berra, Thon, JRay, Lacy, TPena. 38-Puhl, Lacy. HR-Mazzilli (2).

SB-Lacy (5). SF Madlock. RER Bibby 0 Scurry 23 1 0 Tunnell 1 143 3 Tekulve 123 -ON 0 Sarmnto 113 00-ON 0 2 FAMILY WANT ADS PHONE: 237-9414 CLASSIFIED INDEX 500 Sewing Machines ANNOUNCEMENTS 509 Cemetery Lets 2 Card of Thanks 510 Sporting Equipment 3 In Merneriam 511 Heavy Equipment 4 Persenals 512 Yard Sales 5 Special Netices 513 Misc. Auctions Lost 514 Antique Auctions 7 Found 515 Plants, Seeds, Trees 516 Wanted Te Buv 517 Furniture SERVICES OFFERED 101 Remodeling PROPERTY RENTALS 102 Reefing 103 Fencing 601 Reems Beard 104 Yard Work 402 Furn. Apartments 105 Home Repairs 603 Unfurn.

Apartments 106 Meving 604 Rentals to Share 107 Misc. Services 605 Furnished Houses 108 Child Care 606 Unfurnished Houses 109 Income Tax 607 Furn. Mobile Homes 110 Business Schools 608 Unfurnished 111 Priv. Instructions Mobile Homes 409 Mobile Home Spaces 610 Farms, Land EMPLOYMENT 611 Resort Rentals 201 Resume Jobs 612 Office Space: 202 Part- Time Jabs 613 Business Property 203 Full- Time Jobs 614 Wanted to Rent 204 Help Wanted 615 Leasing 205 Empley. Agencies 206 Jobs Wanted REAL ESTATE SALES 701 Homes FINANCIAL 702 Investment Property 301 Business Oppty.

703 Lets Acreage 302 Meney Te Lean 704 Farms 303 Investments 705 Waterfront Property 706 Wanted Real Estate 707 Open House PETS, LIVESTOCK 401 Dogs MOBILE HOMES. 402 Cats 801 Furnished Mobile 403 Aquatic Pets Hemes 404 Horses Livestock 002 Unfurnished 405 Farm Mobile Homes 406 Farm Products 803 Mobile Home Parks 407 Birds 004 Mobile. Heme Sales MERCHANDISE TRANSPORTATION FOR SALE 901 Aviation 501 Miscellaneous 902 Heavy Trucks 502 903 Pickups, Vans, 4 WC Appliances 503 Antiques Metercycles 504 Musical Instruments Antique Autes 505 Ca Sales Service Sperts Imperts 506 Materials 907 Autes For Sale 507 Farm Equipment, Aute Parts Building 909 Beats Accesseries Supplies 910 Recreational Vehicles 911 Tracters Lawn Mewers Family Rates Trailers Available to IN EVENT OF ERROR Notify Individuals Only Classified Department at once. FAMILY ADVERTISING, RATE Advertisers are encouraged to PER LINE 33'1 66 99 check the first insertion; THE NEWSPAPER CANNOT BE RETIMES 123 SPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS 3 Lines (up to APTER THE FIRST 15 Words) 4 Lines (16 to OPEN DAILY 8 AM tO 5 PM 20 Words) SATURDAYS AM to 12 NOON.

The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.