The association between lumbar rib and lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (2024)

ESSR 2014 / P-0080 Range of findings on coronal T2 TIRM sequences in routine MR imaging of the lumbar spine in patients with lumbar pain syndrome L. A. Rödiger, G. Armbrecht; Berlin/DE
ECR 2006 / C-587 Imaging of complications in the postoperative lumbar spine N. Gomez Ruiz, M. Joquera Moya, R. Polidura Arruga, M. Yus Fuertes, E. Vano-Galvan; Madrid/ES
ECR 2019 / C-0019 Diagnostic importance of axial lumbar loading magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected lumbar spinal canal stenosis H. Sasani1, M. Vural2, M. SASANI2; 1TEKİRDAG/TR, 2Istanbul/TR
ECR 2003 / C-0730 Disability and MR imaging findings on lumbar spine studies E. Arana, L. Mart, E. Moll, S. Costa, M. Vega; Valencia/ES
ECR 2008 / C-883 Lateral position imaging method in lumbar vertebrae MRI examination K. Kazama1, M. Kimura2, M. Tsurumaki1, M. Sekiya2, D.-Y. Tsai2; 1Tainai/JP, 2Niigata/JP
ECR 2014 / C-0676 In-vivo MR imaging of lumbar vertebral body endplates K. M. Friedrich, S. Apprich, S. Walzer, S. Zbyn, V. Juras, I. M. Noebauer-Huhmann, S. Trattnig; Vienna/AT
ECR 2003 / C-0741 An objective spinal imaging assessment (OSMIA) of the integrity of lumbar spine stabilisation grafts A. Breen1, J. Muggleton2, F. Mellor1, A. Morris3, S. Eisenstein4, L. Thomas1; 1Bournemouth/UK, 2Southampton/UK, 3Salisbury/UK, 4Oswestry/UK
ECR 2019 / C-3291 T2 mapping on lumbar spine L. Gabaldá Martínez1, M. Squarcia1, L. Oleaga Zufiría1, M. S. Sotes1, R. Mascarenas Colomar1, L. Diez Cubillas1, G. Lasso Sierra1, A. Ocasar Bergas2, �. M. D. C. Tavares3; 1BARCELONA/ES, 2Palma/ES, 3Coimbra/PT
ECR 2018 / C-0955 Diagnostic Value of 3D COSMIC and 3D FIESTA Sequences in imaging of lumbar radiculopathy. F. Abubacker Sulaiman1, A. Amritha 2, G. Preethi2; 1Chennai, TN/IN, 2Chennai/IN
ECR 2014 / C-1710 Diffusion tensor imaging and tractography of lumbar radiculopathy: a useful diagnostic tool? C. borreggine, D. Grasso, M. Fuiano, D. Melchionda, L. Macarini; Foggia/IT
ECR 2019 / C-0008 Coronal STIR imaging: An additional benefit for MR imaging of lumbar spine K. Mittal1, V. BANSAL2; 1Delhi/IN, 2NEW DELHI/IN
ECR 2019 / C-0024 Comparison between T1 Flair Blade with and without parallel imaging and T1 TSE in lumbar spine imaging-sagittal plane P. Mavroidis1, E. Giankou2, A. Tsikrika3, G. Batsikas3, S. Kostopoulos4, D. Glotsos4, M. Papaioannou2, V. Roka5, E. Lavdas4; 1North Carolina, NC/US, 2London/UK, 3Larissa/GR, 4Athens/GR, 5Trikala/GR
ESSR 2014 / P-0088 Imaging of Lumbar Spondylolysis among children and adolescents T. N. Spyridopoulos1, S. Stathopoulou2, I. Vlachou2, T. Dagla2, I. Lavda 1, K. Tsilikas2, M. Petra1, I. Paspati1, I. Hager1, N. Evlogias2; 1Penteli/GR, 2Athens/GR
ECR 2013 / B-0904 Role of 3D MRI with ProSet technique in the evaluation of lumbar radiculopathy D. Grasso, C. borreggine, C. Bristogiannis, L. P. Stoppino, D. Melchionda, L. Macarini; Foggia/IT
ECR 2015 / C-2211 Neonatal Lumbar Puncture (LP) - are traditional clinical landmarks of lumbar anatomy accurate when compared with ultrasound assessment B. Baxter, J. Evans, R. Morris, U. Ghafoor, M. P. Nana, T. Weldon, T. Hildebrandt , G. Tudor; Bridgend/UK
ESSR 2014 / P-0006 Analysis of the relationship between lumbar facet joint angle and degenerative changes. N. Zengin, A. Yucel; Afyon/TR
ECR 2015 / B-0529 Neonatal lumbar puncture: are traditional clinical landmarks of lumbar anatomy accurate when compared with ultrasound assessment? B. Baxter, J. Evans, R. Morris, U. Ghafoor, M. P. Nana, T. Weldon, T. Hildebrandt , G. Tudor; Bridgend/UK
ECR 2015 / C-0064 Low dose CT of the lumbar spine has better image quality than lumbar spine radiography at similar dose levels M. Alshamari1, M. Geijer2, E. Norrman1, M. Lidén1, W. Krauss1, F. Wilamowski3, H. Geijer1; 1Örebro/SE, 2Lund/SE, 3Stockholm/SE
RANZCR-AOCR 2012 / R-0174 Perifacetal Soft Tissue Enhancement on Lumbar Spinal MR Imaging: Significance and Relation to Sagittal Instability U. R. Kang, Y. H. Lee
ECR 2017 / B-1137 Diagnostic value of 3D FIESTA sequence in imaging of lumbar radiculopathy F. Abubacker Sulaiman; Chennai, TN/IN
ECR 2018 / C-2453 Basic concepts and imaging principles of lumbar spinal instability E. Mockiene, V. Augustinavicius, A. Bajorinaite, R. Kvascevicius; Vilnius/LT
ECR 2013 / C-0183 Lumbar spine, climbing the ladder F. Guerra Gutierrez1, F. Baudraxler1, V. M. Suárez Vega1, M. B. Brea de Diego1, P. del Pozo Manrique2, F. Ybañez Carrillo1; 1Valdemoro (MADRID)/ES, 2Valdemoro/ES
RANZCR ASM 2010 / R-0011 Epidural fat effacement is an important sign in CT imaging of the lumbar spine. L. Lam, M. X. Truong; NSW/AU
ECR 2014 / C-0270 Valuation method by T2map of the early stage denaturation of the lumbar intervertebral disc. Y. Ishizaka1, T. Miyazaki2, C. Matsuyama3; 1Kanagawa/JP, 2Saitama/JP, 3Tokyo/JP
ECR 2024 / C-19376 Degenerative Patterns in Lumbar Spine: A Cohort Study on Age, Gender, and Pathological Associations K. Goçaj, L. Jakupi, K. Dedushi-Hoti, S. Mucaj, V. Blakaj, D. Musliu, K. R. Shabani, I. Ahmetgjekaj
2019 ASM / R-0092 Magnetic resonance imaging morphology of lumbar paraspinal muscles following successful bilateral facet joint denervation M. Bonython1, T. Nottage2, L. Xu2, M. Zotti2, T. Fisher2, M. Selby2; 1NT/AU, 2SA/AU
ESSR 2017 / P-0286 Emergency and Trauma Imaging of the Thoraco-Lumbar Spine R. Moutinho, P. Tyrrell, V. Cassar-Pullicino; Oswestry, Shropshire/UK
ESSR 2018 / P-0001 Degenerative lumbar spine: A quick guide for imaging diagnosis. I. García Duitama, S. Carbullanca Toledo, A. Solano, A. Agustí, J. Ares Vidal, F. Fernández Alarza; Barcelona/ES
ECR 2013 / C-0476 3.0 T MRI tractography of lumbar nerve roots in disc herniation C. Li, Q. Wang , Y. Hui ; Jinan/CN
ECR 2020 / C-01534 Incidental extraspinal findings in the lumbar spine during magnetic resonance imaging of intervertebral discs M. Zidan1, I. Hassan2, M. Z. Mahmoud3, W. M. Ali4, B. Alonazi3; 1ABHA, ASSER/SA, 2KHARTOUM /SD, 3Al-Kharj/SA, 4Ajman/AE
ECR 2012 / C-2342 Post operative lumbar spine adhesive arachnoiditis V. Vasilevska Nikodinovska1, U. Szeimies2, A. Staebler2; 1Skopje/MK, 2Munich/DE
ESSR 2012 / P-0026 Cost-effectiveness of 3T MRI versus 1,5T in imaging of the lumbar spine in a general radiology practice. R. E. Westerbeek1, B. Zonneveld2, B. G. Ziedses Des Plantes3; 1Deventer/NL, 2Schalkhaar/NL, 3Joppe/NL
ECR 2013 / C-0930 Lumbar disk disease: Do we all speak the same language? R. M. Fernández Quintero, M. E. Banegas Illescas, C. Pastor Sánchez, A. Pérez Durán, R. Quintana de la Cruz, P. Esteve Krauel; Ciudad Real/ES
ECR 2024 / C-23251 Complications of Lumbar Arthrodesis Surgery: A Comprehensive CT Imaging Diagnostic Analysis M. Tecame, A. Lozano, A. PLA, J. E. Mendez, J. J. Sanchez Fernandez, M. Gómez-Chiari, A. Leidinger, J. A. Tello Vicente, E. Granell Moreno
ECR 2010 / C-2384 Evaluation of lumbar pain with weight-bearing MRI: Preliminary experience R. Sutera, A. Iovane, F. Candela, F. Sorrentino, M. Midiri; Palermo/IT
ECR 2015 / C-2125 Identification and numbering of lumbar vertebrae using various anatomical landmarks on MRI of lumbosacral spine S. Patil1, A. M. Khan1, A. Gupta2; 1Birmingham/UK, 2Wolverhampton/UK
ECR 2017 / C-1117 Imaging findings after thoraco-lumbar spine arthrodesis and decompression: a practical approach to the radiology report. L. Carone1, G. M. Danesino1, M. Bonardi2, A. M. Simoncelli1, M. Delmonte1, F. Zappoli1; 1Pavia/IT, 2Pavia, Pavia/IT
ECR 2019 / C-2669 Cortical step sign - a reliable indicator of an acute thoraco-lumbar spine fracture? R. Rajakulasingam1, N. Bhatt2, S. Choudhary2; 1Birmingham/UK, 2University hospital, Birmingham/UK
ECR 2014 / C-1572 T2 - shine through effect in Diffusion Weighted Imaging to evaluate the shrinkage of lumbar disc herniation after Oxygen-Ozone discolysis M. Perri, G. Grattacaso, V. Di Tunno, M. Anselmi, A. Splendiani, M. Gallucci; L'Aquila/IT
SERAM 2014 / S-0417 Adecuación de la RM de columna lumbar N. Rebollo García, C. Lozano Calero, S. Jiménez Román, M. C. Ballesteros Reina, O. V. Guerrero Mayor; Marbella/ES
ECR 2015 / C-1508 Comparison of lumbar spine vertebral-motor segment structures changes' in magnetic resonance imaging with axial load and in upright position. A. Bazhin, E. Egorova, E. Davydova; Moscow/RU
ECR 2007 / C-552 Percutaneous parapedicular access to the thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies D. P. Beall; Oklahoma City, OK/US
ECR 2018 / C-2556 Heritability of cervical and lumbar intervertebral disc changes D. Kovacs1, A. D. Tarnoki1, D. L. Tarnoki1, A. Dienes1, L. Kostyal2, C. Oláh2, M. Pinheiro3, P. Ferreira3; 1Budapest/HU, 2Miskolc/HU, 3Sydney/AU
ECR 2015 / C-0919 The Effect of Low Back Pain on Positional Changes in the Lumbar Lordosis B. B. Hansen1, T. Bendix2, J. J. Grindsted3, H. Bliddal1, R. Christensen1, P. Hansen1, M. Boesen3; 1Frederiksberg/DK, 2Glostrup/DK, 3Copenhagen/DK
ECR 2017 / C-0367 The Value of Axial Loading in MRI of Lumbar Spine D. Bulja, E. Avdagic, A. Šehić; Sarajevo/BA
ECR 2011 / C-0955 The postoperative lumbar spine R. Moreno de la Presa1, I. Herrera1, R. González-Gutierrez1, Y. Herrero Gómez1, J. M. Garcia Benassi1, J. Vidal González2, R. González Tovar1, A. Enríquez Puga1; 1Toledo/ES, 2madrid/ES
ECR 2010 / C-2586 Effects of lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LSTV) on lumbar spine intervertebral disks K. Firouznia, N. Ahmadinejad, H. Ghanaati, A. Khaghani, H. Hashemi, A. Salavati, M. Shakiba; Tehran/IR
ECR 2021 / C-14530 MR imaging of the cervical and lumbar spine: assessment of image quality using control charts T. E. C. D. Sousa1, L. P. V. Ribeiro2, A. F. Abrantes2, A. D. M. Ribeiro2, S. I. Rodrigues2, R. P. P. Almeida2; 1Portimão/PT, 2Faro/PT
ECR 2013 / C-0973 The association between lumbar rib and lumbosacral transitional vertebrae A. Nakajima, A. Usui, Y. Hosokai, Y. Kawasumi, K. Abiko, H. Saito, M. Funayama; Sendai/JP

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The association between lumbar rib and lumbosacral transitional vertebrae (2024)
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