What Is The Meaning Of "that Sort Of Concentration Would Eliminate Patrolling"? (2024)

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Answer 1

In this context, "that sort of concentration would eliminate patrolling" means that if the military were to concentrate all of its forces on one specific task, such as seizing an island group, then it would not have enough resources left over to engage in other important activities such as patrolling.

What the military do based on the quoted phrase?

The military had to balance its priorities and resources carefully, ensuring that it had enough troops, ships, and other resources to fulfill its various obligations and missions without overcommitting to any one task. The army and navy considered developing defenses in northeastern Brazil instead of a Dakar expedition due to logistical constraints.

Find more useful information on Dakar;



help!!I need the answer to this question!!

Identify the sentences written in active or passive voice

Alice posted the letter

For the reader, what question builds suspense in this

A Will Captain Neila and his crew survive Wormhole
B Are Captain Neila and his crew going to destroy
Planet 42711?
C What will Captain Neila find on Planet 42711?
D Will the creatures of Planet 42711 try to kill Captain
Neila's crew?

PLEASE HELP! Give one example of how the Nazis appealed to youth through propaganda. Which piece is the most appealing and why?

While online last week, you saw the following advertisem*nt:
Shop at Impressive lonics!
The ions in our jewelry will balance your energy
and improve your health. Nine out of ten people
report significant improvement in the way they
feel within one week of wearing our jewelry.
Evaluate the strength of the company's claim.
OA. The claims are clearly unbiased and accurate.
B. The claims are based on sound evidence and are likely to be
C. The claims are not plausible and are likely to be pseudoscientific.
о D. The claims are based on empirical evidence and are likely to be

When using a motivated sequence organizational style, the first a in ansva refers to the introduction.

Analyzing a Writing Prompt
Write an essay to present an argument that either
supports or opposes the decision to award a singer-
songwriter the Nobel Prize in Literature. Your
argument should include a clear claim, logical
reasons, and evidence that is relevant and sufficient.
Identify each part of your writing assignment.
Topic: What will you write about?
Purpose: Why will you write?

Hello can you help me create a essay about Lennie or George from of mice and men

Question #1: The Duvitches get their shoes, pants, and shirts, and the furnishing for their house from the town dump because

A. Everyone in town does that

B. They have no money, but they are very resourceful and know how to clean and fix up clothing and furniture

C. They are dirty and lazy

D. That way they don't have to pay for them, even though the Duvitches have a lot of money

Question #2: The Duevitch family deserved to be treated poorly by the neighbors because of the clothes they wore.

A. True

B. False

The Strangers That Came To Town

4. Read the paragraph and choose a sentence that describes it best. Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks).

a) Anxiety episodes are normal, during them people experience worry about every situation
b) Panic attacks are connected to people being worried too much, these episodes are a part of normal human behavior
c) Anxiety disorders and anxiety are not the same
d) Fear and terror are a part of feeling anxious


d) fear and terror are a part of feeling anxious

Consider the last lines of the poem “our father, fading away”:

“Out of sight, out of mind, my brother says. // But only a part of me believes this is true” (182).

What larger idea do these lines develop about memories? [RL.8.2]

Brown Girl Dreaming

Secret gard
en excerpt since she had been living in other people's

'Linguistic Taxonomy'
In at least 1 brief paragraph (3 or more sentences), please response to the following: how would you characterize the
image of language that emerges in Heller & McElhinny Pt 1? Does this picture of how language can be made to work, how
language can be deployed or how different people view language based on their individual or group interests, connect with
the contents of Stuart Hall's lecture? If so, how?

63. The Hotel France..........to the harbor than the Hotel Leon
A. near
B. Is nearer
C. The nearest
D. Is nearest

64. ........the flights to Malta always....from this terminal?

A. Does.....leave
B. Do.....have
C. Is.... leaving
D. Are....leaving

65...........is the Golden Sands Hotel, please?

A. What
B. who
c. when
D. Where
66. There ...many hotel guests at breakfast this morning.
A. Wasn't
B. Isn't
C. Was
D. Weren't

67. What time...........me to pick you up?

A. Do you want
B. Does you want
C. Is you want
D. Are you want

68............a good time?

A. Were you have
B. You having
C. Do you have
D. Have you

69. What's........ ...beach on this island?

A. The goodest
b. good
C. Better
D. The best

70. ..are you going sailing?

A. Which
B. When
C. That
D. Who

71. August is ...month in the year here.

A. Hot
B. The hotter
C. The hottest
D. More hot
72.. ......the theatre last night?
A. Do you enjoy.
B. Does you enjoy
C. Did you enjoyed
D. Did you enjoy
73. One-day trips around a city and longer trips within one country are known as.....

A. Package tours
B. Vacation trips
C. Local tours
D. Seeing sights

74. The schedule or listing of places to be visited is called the........... A. Route.
B. itinerary
C. program.
D. guide

75. Some places, such as museums or historic homes, charge.............. for people to enter.

A. Tour fees
B. Admission fees
C. Operating fees
D. city taxes
76. Such charges, as well as the cost of hotel accommodations and meals, are usually.......... by packager for local tours

A. Listed
B. Taxed
C. Prepaid
D. Arranged
77. I love to try........... the local food when I travel.

A. Out.
B. Along
C. Down
D . in
78. Sorry, we don't have a ........... service. You'll have to park your car yourself.
D. Floor
B. Laundry
C. Valet

79. The room has a pull-...........couch, so it will sleep an extra person.

A. Off

C. Out D. in

B. Over

80. I'm sorry, but we don't have any vacancies. We are fully-............ tonight. A. Vacant
B. Booked
D. Available
C. Closed

81. After your long conference you can relax in the...

A. Kitchenette C. Hot tub

D. Novel

B. Parking lot

82. I'll call housekeeping and ask them to bring you some fresh......

A. Ice
B. Milk
C. Linen
D. Air

83. If you need to do your workout, we have a........... on the third floor. .
A. Gym
B. Restaurant
C. Library
D. Bus
84. You might like to voice your complaint about the rate to the.........
C. Hotel manager
A. Housekeeper
B. Valet driver
D. Doorman

85. Please put your used...in the basket and leave unused ones hanging on the rack.

A. Dishes
B. Towels
C. Tissues
D. Towers

86. If you need a midnight snack there's a ............ full of potato chips on your floor.

A. Bell boy
B. Kitchenette
C. Vending machine
D. Mini bar

87. The process of checking............ a hotel can be difficult.

A. On
B. Into
C. At
D. For

88. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter are the four.......... of the year.
A. Times.
B. Dates
C. Months
D. Seasons

89. The time of year when a hotel is very busy is called...season.

A. High
B. Low
C. Rather
D. Dense
90. Hotels usually have different.......... for low season and high season.
A. Rights
C. Rates
D. Route
91. Having all your meals in the hotel is called........
A. Board
B. Half board
C. Full board
D. Completive board

92. How much is the room............ night?
A. Pro
B. Per
D. Late

93. Hotels are classified by the number of.....

A. Guests
B. Stars
C. Quality
D. Quantity
94. Quarter past nine is the same as...........
A. 9.45
B. 9.55
C. 9.15
D. 9.30

95. Local facilities such as stores and restaurants are.....
A. Adjoining rooms
B. Amenities
C. Attractions
D. Bellboy

96. A level of the building is...........

A. Floor
B. Double bed
C. Guests
D. Size

97. Sheets, blankets, pillow cases are..
. A. Lobby
B. Late charge
C. Luggage cart
D. Linen
98. A window that offers a nice image for guests is............

A. Valet
B. Towels
C. Wake up call
D. View

99. A piece of paper that guests display in the car window while in the hotel parking lot is..........

A. Noisy
B. Parking pass
C. Pay per view
D.pillow case

Give examples of each role Mr Whitson played out

In The Lightning Thief, Percy Jackson says, “What was so great about me? A dyslexic, hyperactive boy with a D+ report card, kicked out of school for the sixth time in six years.” With that line in mind, contrast how Percy views himself with how the author of “Heroes Every Child Should Know: Perseus” presents his hero. This story was adapted from a text written during the Romantic period, so how does that time period influence the way that the author developed his main character? Use evidence from “Heroes Every Child Should Know: Perseus” to support your response

study these section headings of "how to prepare for a road trip": Which heading would best accommodate a new sub-section titled "tips for selecting a road trip music mix"

In the 3rd stanza, Hughes writes "I come to the Y,/ the Harlem Branch Y." Which of the following are possible meanings of this statement?

To share his inquiry with the audience, as to "why?" he is being asked to do this assignment.

To show a figurative contrast between his college identity and his life off campus.

He literally left the priviledged world of the college campus to write at the Harlem Branch YMCA.

To illustrate how the college and Harlem divide him, both literally and figuratively. The letter Y is shaped like a fork in the road for him.​

A politician makes a speech supporting free healthcare and one of his detractors
stands up and says, "You have never held office, you don't have a college education,
and you served time in prison. Your healthcare plan is a sham!"

A. Do you believe that Mary Barnett knew that she was abandoning her child? Explain the reasons for your conclusion B. Do you believe that Mary Barnett suffered from postpartum depression or some similar ailment that prevented her from thinking? Do you believe that she is truthful in her testimony? Explain the reasons for your conclusion.


Read the excerpt from Pygmalion and Galatea by Josephine Preston Peabody.

But it chanced that Pygmalion fell to work upon an ivory statue of a maiden, so lovely that it must have moved to envy every breathing creature that came to look upon it. With a happy heart the sculptor wrought day by day, giving it all the beauty of his dreams, until, when the work was completed, he felt powerless to leave it. He was bound to it by the tie of his highest aspiration, his most perfect ideal, his most patient work.

Read the excerpt from Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw.

HIGGINS. It’s only imagination. Low spirits and nothing else. Nobody’s hurting you. Nothing’s wrong. You go to bed like a good girl and sleep it off. Have a little cry and say your prayers: that will make you comfortable.

LIZA. I heard YOUR prayers. "Thank God it’s all over!”

HIGGINS [impatiently] Well, don’t you thank God it’s all over? Now you are free and can do what you like.

LIZA [pulling herself together in desperation] What am I fit for? What have you left me fit for? Where am I to go? What am I to do? What’s to become of me?

HIGGINS [enlightened, but not at all impressed] Oh, that’s what’s worrying you, is it? [He thrusts his hands into his pockets, and walks about in his usual manner, rattling the contents of his pockets, as if condescending to a trivial subject out of pure kindness]. I shouldn’t bother about it if I were you. I should imagine you won’t have much difficulty in settling yourself, somewhere or other, though I hadn’t quite realized that you were going away. [She looks quickly at him: he does not look at her, but examines the dessert stand on the piano and decides that he will eat an apple]. You might marry, you know. [He bites a large piece out of the apple, and munches it noisily]. You see, Eliza, all men are not confirmed old bachelors like me and the Colonel. Most men are the marrying sort (poor devils!); and you’re not bad-looking; it’s quite a pleasure to look at you sometimes—not now, of course, because you’re crying and looking as ugly as the very devil; but when you’re all right and quite yourself, you’re what I should call attractive. That is, to the people in the marrying line, you understand. You go to bed and have a good nice rest; and then get up and look at yourself in the glass; and you won’t feel so cheap.

Which statement best explains how Higgins’s reaction to Eliza differs from Pygmalion’s reaction to Galatea?

A. Higgins is much more captivated by Eliza than Pygmalion is by Galatea.

B. Higgins is much less concerned with Eliza’s happiness than Pygmalion is with Galatea’s.

C. Higgins is indifferent to Eliza, while Pygmalion is deeply in love with Galatea.

D. Higgins is worried that Eliza will leave, while Pygmalion gladly gives Galatea freedom.

‘I’m going to the library for a while

Question #1: Father announces that " it is high time for this feeling against the Duvitches to stop" and he's going to try to stop it. It is likely that he says this, because

A. He is taking an active role in befriending the Duvitches is the only way to set a powerful example for his sons who have behaved dreadfully.

B. He wants to eat some of the fish his son caught he can do this if they have dinner with the Duvitches.

C. He has heard that Mr. Duvitches is a talented ventriloquist, and he wants to see him perform.

Question #2: When Mother tries to visit Mrs. Duvitch, she is told Mrs. Duvitch is sick. Over two year period, she never goes back to visit again, why not.

A. Mother is afraid of the Duvitches

B. Mother is a rather formal woman and thinks the Duvitches wish to be left alone

C. Mother already had to many friends

The Strangers That Came To Town
Plss hurry ​


Question 1:
Question 2:
I think

He is taking an active role in befriending the Duvitches as the only way to set a powerful example for his sons who have behaved dreadfully and Mother is a rather formal woman and thinks the Duvitches wish to be left alone. The correct options are 1 is a and 2 is b.

What does the word mother imply?

A mother is a child's female parent. A woman is called a mother if she has given birth, raised a kid who might or might not be her biological child, or supplied her ovum for conception in the event of gestational surrogacy.

A biological mother may have legal responsibilities to a child she did not nurture, such as monetary support. A woman who has officially now become main caregiver through adoption is known as an adoptive mother. A putative mother is a woman whose biological tie to a baby is alleged but not proven. A stepmother is a woman who's really married to a baby's dad and has a family unit with him.

A father is a man's equivalent to a mother. Women who are expecting may be referred to as pregnant mothers or mothers-to-be, while (biological) dads and adoptive parents are less commonly referred to as such.

Learn more about mother, here:



explain two ways in. which you may effectively use the allocated time to satisfactorily answer examination questions​

can I write opposite meaning of city as remote area​

Read the excerpt from Chapter 5 of Who Is Sonia Sotomayor?

Her first real case in court involved a young college student who had been in a street fight. Sonia described this case when she wrote about it in her book. She said when she stood in front of the judge that day, she stammered. She didn’t feel ready. The judge was using words she didn’t even understand!

Sonia lost her first case. But she didn’t let that stop her. She knew what to do—ask for help and learn more. She won her second case. In fact, she did so well that her bosses considered her a star. Usually, the new DAs handled small crimes for a long time before they were given more important cases. But Sonia moved up very fast.

Question 1
Part A

Based on the information in the excerpt, what inference can be made about Sonia’s job performance?


Instead of giving up, Sonia uses her mistakes in court to figure out how to improve what she does.
Instead of giving up, Sonia uses her mistakes in court to figure out how to improve what she does.

Sonia must work minor cases for some time before her bosses feel she is ready for more difficult work.
Sonia must work minor cases for some time before her bosses feel she is ready for more difficult work.

Although she does well in law school, Sonia is not prepared to try cases when she starts in the DA's office.
Although she does well in law school, Sonia is not prepared to try cases when she starts in the DA's office.

The fact that English is not Sonia’s native language makes her job as a lawyer more challenging.
The fact that English is not Sonia’s native language makes her job as a lawyer more challenging.
Question 2
Part B

Highlight the sentence that best supports the answer to Part A.

To interact with this question use tab to move through the text tokens. Use space or enter to select or deselect the relevant tokens

write an essay about Everything happens for good

The following is what kind of sentence?

Because the research paper is due in two weeks, I need to complete my note cards.

A. Compound

B. Complex

What Is The Meaning Of "that Sort Of Concentration Would Eliminate Patrolling"? (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.